Penerapan Penilaian Kognitif dalam Kelas Katekisasi: Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran di Gereja

  • Agatha Cryssandra Pigesia Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Doni Abadi Nababan Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Marlen Bailao Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Yohannis Alberthus Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Yunardi Kristian Zega Politeknik Negeri, Kupang
Kata Kunci: Church, Catechism, Cognitive Assessment, Learning Quality


Assessment and evaluation are essential components of the educational process aimed at measuring achievement, providing feedback, and enhancing motivation and learning quality. However, research on the implementation of cognitive assessment within the context of church education, particularly in catechism classes, is still very limited. This study aims to fill this gap by examining the importance of cognitive assessment implementation in catechism classes in churches. This research employs a literature review method, allowing for an in-depth analysis of the theory and practice of cognitive assessment in church education. The results indicate that the implementation of cognitive assessment significantly improves learning quality, active student participation, and the overall quality of catechism graduates. Cognitive assessment, which emphasizes conceptual understanding and its practical application in everyday life, has been proven to encourage students to be more actively involved in the learning process. The positive impact of this implementation is evident in the improved quality of graduates and the overall enhancement of the learning process in the church. These findings highlight the importance of cognitive assessment in increasing the effectiveness of catechism classes in churches.


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