Implementasi Konsep Berpikir Kritis Paulo Freire dalam Meningkatkan Pendidikan Masyarakat Rote Melalui Revitalisasi Tradisi Tu’u

  • Daud Alfons Pandie Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga
  • Remegises Danial Yohanis Pandie Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Presbyterian Shema, Cianjur
  • Alexander Selan Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Apolos, Jakarta
Kata Kunci: Cultural Revitalization, Paulo Freire, Rote Society, Tu'u Education


The Tu'u education tradition is important for the Rote community not only as a means of helping to finance children's education, but as a form of solidarity, a form of brotherhood and as a medium for unifying the Rote community. However, as time went by, the Tu'u educational tradition began to diminish and even be ignored for various reasons. One of them is that the Tu'u Belis tradition is more important, so education is neglected. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the concept of education according to Paulo Freire's perspective regarding critical thinking, critical awareness and the importance of education and its urgency for the sustainability of education in the Rote community. Freire explained that education plays an important role in the process of human liberation and education must be a tool to overcome social injustice, poverty and oppression. Freire emphasized the importance of human-centered education, which involves students actively in the teaching and learning process, and promotes critical understanding of the world around them. The method used in this research is library research and direct observation where the researcher is part of the Rote community, supported by secondary sources such as books, journals and online media which can be academically accountable. In this study, researchers found that Paulo Freire's concept can be implemented in the Rote community, because it opens up the Rote community's framework of thinking about the importance of education through critical thinking and critical awareness, so that they are free from being oppressed by their reality.


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