Penyelesaian Perselisihan PHK di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Luar Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial
Pada tahun 2020, dunia dihebohkan dengan Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19). Salah satu yang terparah terkena dampak pandemi ini adalah sektor ketenagakerjaan. Pandemi COVID-19 telah merusak kinerja, produktivitas, keuangan perusahaan dan kewajiban pengusaha seperti hak-hak
normatif pekerja termasuk upah.Banyak perusahaan memberhentikan pekerja mulai dari cuti tidak dibayar, hingga pemutusan hubungan kerja secara sepihak.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif; menggunakan sumber dari data perpustakaan, dan menggunakan jenis pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah: fenomena PHK di masa pandemi Covid-19 lebih parah pada sektor jasa perantara dan agen penjualan yang melibatkan banyak pekerja masal. Penyebab terjadinya PHK adalah terjadinya force majeure dan efisiensi operasional perusahaan. Beberapa penyelesaian PHK di luar pengadilan Hubungan Industrial adalah melalui Lembaga Kerjasama Bipartit, atau melalui Mediasi, atau melalui Konsiliasi atau melalui Arbitrase.
Kata kunci: Hubungan Industrial, Pandemi Covid-19, Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja, force majeure, bipartit, konsiliasi, arbitrase, mediasi
In 2020, the world was shocked by the Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19). One of the worst affected by this pandemic is the employment sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has damaged performance, productivity, company finances and employers’ obligations such as the normative rights of workers including wages. Many companies have laid off workers ranging from unpaid leave, to unilateral termination of employment.
This research is a normative legal research; using sources from library data, and using the types of legislation and concept approaches.
The results of this study are: the phenomenon of layoffs during the Covid-19 pandemic is more severe in the intermediary and sales agent service sector which involves many mass workers. The causes of layoffs are the occurrence of force majeure and the company’s operational efficiency. Some settlements of layoffs outside the Industrial Relations court are through the Bipartite Cooperation Institution, or through Mediation, or through Conciliation or through Arbitration
Keywords: Industrial Relations, Covid-19 Pandemic, Termination of Employment, force majeure,
bipartite, conciliation, arbitration, mediatio