Analisis Wacana Kritis Perspektif Sara Mills terhadap Dominasi Perempuan pada Konten Tiktok Inul Daratista
This research examines the depiction of female domination in Inul Daratista's TikTok content. This study aims to find out how women are depicted in the content. The reality is that women are always the ones who are cornered, as a result of their behavior which is limited by the rules formed by society. The TikTok content displays the behavior of women described by Inul Daratista which is contrary to the rules attached to Javanese women. This caused a negative assessment from the audience. This study uses a qualitative approach by critically analyzing Sara Mills' perspective on Inul Daratista's TikTok content. The results of the study show that Inul Daratista's attitude of domination validates the stereotype that women are always right. In this content, Inul acts hypermasculine which are considered as not respecting her husband as a man and a leader in the household. It can be seen from the comments made by the audience, they gave more positive comments to her husband and made Inul a cornered party.
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