Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Desa dalam Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Stunting di Desa Gondosuli, Solo, Jawa Tengah
Policy is a decision or action taken by the government or other authorities to achieve specific goals for the country or society. Policy can be a collection of principles, rules, and procedures used to address issues, bring about changes, or manage resources effectively. Stunting prevention is an action taken to prevent stunting. Stunting itself is a condition where the physical growth and development of a child are hindered during their early growth period. This condition typically occurs in children under the age of two and can have long-term impacts on the health and development of the child. Dealing with stunting requires the active role of the village government through local governance. This research uses qualitative data collection approaches such as interviews, observations, and documentary studies. Research findings indicate that the village government plays a key role in addressing stunting through programs managed by the village government. This research employs qualitative methodology with data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and documentary studies. Research findings indicate that the village government plays a key role in addressing stunting through initiatives provided by the local government administration. These efforts include expanding access to health services, improving the availability of nutritious food, and enhancing community education on nutrition and health. The village government collaborates with various stakeholders to implement these initiatives, including health centers, health departments, and the local community. Findings from this study are expected to assist the village government and other stakeholders in their efforts to combat stunting in Gundosoli Village and the surrounding areas. The stunting prevention efforts implemented by Gondosuli Village have been very commendable. Hopefully, the stunting prevention policies undertaken by Gondosuli Village can serve as an example for other areas that still face high levels of stunting.Â
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