Fenomena KDRT dan Praktik Mahar di Kampung Ndilek Lamba Leda, NTT
Various study attributes the bride-wealth culture as a significant factor in the prevalence of domestic violence (KDRT) in East Nusa Tenggara. This essay challenges the initial research findings by exploring the causes of instances of domestic abuse that took place in Ndilek Village, Lamba Leda District, NTT Province. The research employed a qualitative methodology, utilizing in-depth interviews as the primary means of data gathering. This study discovered that the bride-wealth culture within the Manggarai community in East Nusa Tenggara can potentially serve as the underlying cause of domestic violence, albeit only in specific circumstances. Furthermore, it is important to note that the mere practice of the bride-wealth culture does not necessarily result in violence within the marital household. Furthermore, there are several influential elements, apart from dowry, that contribute to domestic violence. These include economic circumstances, individual traits, extramarital affairs, gambling and alcohol abuse, as well as the level of maturity exhibited by the married couple. This study suggests that bride-wealth system can contribute to domestic violence, but it is not the primary factor. Several triggering factors unrelated to dowry have a more prominent role in situations of domestic violence. Due to this dichotomy, this study suggests that communities endorsing the tradition should effectively and equitably execute cultural customs to prevent them from becoming a catalyst for marital violence or other home issues. In addition, in order to completely eradicate domestic violence, it is crucial to effectively treat the underlying roots of this issue.
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