Perubahan Relasi Kuasa dan Dominasi Ibu dalam Budaya Patriarki Keluarga Batak pada Film “Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap"
Patriarchal culture is basically a culture that is unconsciously internalized and perpetuated by Indonesian society. This culture views that men are central and must be the most glorified figures. This understanding then indirectly places women as subordinates or parties whose voices do not need to be considered. In its development, women continue to experience repression by society, both in terms of education, economics and culture. However, the patriarchal culture internalized by society today is experiencing a shift in several aspects. For example, in the household, decision making is no longer placed in the hands of men, but is often based on joint decisions. One of the shifts discussed in this research is the role shift that occurs regarding women's roles as mothers. For this reason, this research seeks to discuss how the dominant role of mothers in patriarchal culture is represented through the film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap.
This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to analyze the film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap which represents patriarchal culture in Batak families. Using Semiotics theory, Roland Barthes describes how signs can provide meaning or messages. In this research, signs are discussed from each scene shown in the film. Each scene was then examined to see how the dominant role of women was depicted in the film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap. Based on this, the research results show that there is a dominant role of mothers shown in this film. This dominance is not indicated in the patriarchal culture that is often internalized by society, but instead is something new that many people are not aware of. The dominant role of women is divided into 3, namely the mother's hegemony over the family, the female character's resistance to repression carried out by the male character, and space to voice opinions. Through these findings it can be concluded that women are no longer depicted as weak figures, instead women are able to oppose and resist the patriarchal cultural system which tends to glorify men.
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