P Pengembangan Teknologi Beton Kinerja Tinggi yang berkelanjutan


  • PINONDANG SIMANJUNTAK Civil Engineering Christian University of Indonesia
Kata Kunci: Kata kunci: teknologi beton, berkinerja tinggi, konstruksi, ramah lingkungan


The increasing need for construction materials today, especially concrete building construction, has demanded the need for innovation in the development of sustainable concrete technology. For this reason, concrete technology innovation is needed so that high-performance and environmentally friendly concrete is obtained. Until now, the development of concrete technology innovations continues to be carried out by experts to meet the increasing demand for concrete in various types of construction. Continuous Development of High Performance Concrete is a technique for developing construction materials that are appropriate and good enough to obtain high strength and durability of concrete so as to reduce the volume requirement of concrete and its construction costs. The challenge is how to develop concrete technology so that it can produce high-performance and environmentally friendly concrete to be able to anticipate the demand for concrete volumes which continue to increase rapidly. Sustainable and environmentally friendly High Performance Concrete Technology is one of the best ways to address this challenge

Keywords: concrete technology, high performance, construction, environmentally friendly



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