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Vol 25 No 1 (2024): January-June 2024

Sociae Polites published six (6) articles in the edition of January-June 2024 (Volume 25, Number 1). The first article is titled "Seasonal" Propaganda Communication on the Political Stage" by Chontina Siahaan and Donal Adrian. This paper attempts to look at the propaganda communication that has been found by legislative candidates to attract the attention of the public to be able to elect them as potential leaders for the next 5 years. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques consisting of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.

The second article discussed the various types of ethical violations that may occur in news aired by television media. This article discusses ethical violations committed by television media during the 2024 general election period. Fransiscus Dicha Sidabutar, Victor Rodam Matrano, and Chontina Siahaan wrote the article titled "The Ethical Violations on Television Media in the 2024 General Election (Metro TV Case Study)". The authors discovered that there was an ethical violation in the form of a conglomeration in the news that had been aired by Metro TV. This conglomerate was seen through several YouTube shows owned by Metro TV.

The third article by Gaston Otto Malindir and Bayu Septiansyah with the title "Dynamics of the Recruitment Process for Women Legislative Candidates (A Study of the NASDEM Party in the 2024 Legislative Elections)" discussed the recruitment process carried out by the West Java Province NasDem Party for women legislative candidate candidates in the 2024 General Election which tends to be closed and only provides opportunities to women with certain backgrounds. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques that include observation and literature study. . Data shows that the NasDem Party's female legislative candidates who are contesting in the XI electoral district in West Java are mostly dominated by businessmen, and are followed by party administrators. 

The fourth article by Frans Nadeak and Nabila titled "Analysis of The Prabowo-Gibran Campaign Model in the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections"  analyzes and describes the campaign trends of the Prabowo-Gibran pair in the 2024 elections. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through interviews and literature studies. Based on the interviews, this researcher found that the "Gemoy" image promoted by Prabowo Subianto's campaign team during the presidential election was the main goal to change people's perception of Prabowo from a tough and strong figure to a warm, funny, and warm figure.

The fifth article by Maria Florida Suryani Seran and Veronika Ina Assan Boro with the title "Women’s Participation in The Recruitment of Village Deliberative Bodies in Central Wologai Village, Detusoko District, Ende Regency In 2019" discussed how women participate in recruiting members of the Village Deliberative Bodies in Central Wologai Village. A qualitative descriptive method is used in this study.  The findings in this study show that the recruitment of members of the Village Deliberative Bodies in Central Wologai Village shows that women's representation has increased from the minimum limit of 30%. The results of the recruitment of members of the Village Deliberative Bodies showed that women's representation reached 64.1%.

The sixth article titled "The Pyramid of Global Environment Movement: Case Study of the Impact Greta Thunberg in Indonesia" by Verdinand Robertua, Mayra Putri Rahayu, Afri Yandy Zefanya Pangihutan, Eunitania Peron Abda analyzed the Pyramid of Digital Activism conceptualized by George and Leidner (2019) to the global environmental movement, using Greta Thunberg as a case study. This research explores Thunberg's impact on environmental politics in Indonesia, highlighting how her digital activism has galvanized a new generation of eco-activists and influenced policy discussions. By leveraging social media, Thunberg has transcended geographical barriers, demonstrating the potential of digital activism to foster significant environmental advocacy and policy change. The study concludes that the new Pyramid of Global Environmental Activism framework provides a robust model for understanding the dynamics and impact of digital activism within the environmental movement.

Diterbitkan: 2024-07-17


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