Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019): July - December 2019

In this edition (Volume 20, Number 2, the Year 2019), Sociae Polities focused on human rights and environmental issues. Verdinand Robertua, Bryan Libertho Karyoprawiro, and Eunike Meliani Wahyuningtyas wrote the proposal about "Special Zone for Ship Washing in Transboundary Marine Pollution Reduction at Malacca Strait." Hazazi Ridho Subarkah, Yanyan Mochamad Yani, and Taufik Hidayat elaborated "The Effect of the United States Out of Paris Agreement on 2015 on The National Security of the United States".

The article "Myanmar 1962: Feminism in the Post Military Junta Era" and "Rohingya Crisis: ASEAN's Response Analysis in the Liberalism Theory" focused on the complexity of human rights issues in Myanmar. Florentina Wulandari Maria Alexandra highlighted the changes in the bilateral relationship between the United States and Cuba in her article "US Foreign Policy in Restoring Diplomatic Relations with Cuba in 2015-2016." Hendra Manurung elaborated the compatibility between China's Belt and Road Initiative and Russia's Eurasia Economic Union in his article "A Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: Synchronizing China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Russia's Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU)." Fajar Novianto and Marshelia Gloria Narida discussed the process and the purpose of applying infographic criteria in the Ministry of Agriculture.

Published: 2019-12-27
