Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023): July-December 2023

Sociae Polites published five (5) articles in the edition of July-December 2023 (Volume 24, Number 2). The first article is titled Pursuing Sustainability: Environmental Communication and the Community’s Role in Enhancing Banjarmasin’s Ecosystems by Bambang Dwi Waluyo and Achmad Bayu Chandra Buwono. This paper attempts to look at the cognitive behavior of the people of Banjarmasin in regard to the messages that were communicated by the Sahabat Sungai community. This is done by attempting to understand the strategies that were carried out by the Sahabat Sungai community through environmental communication

The second article discussed the realm of Political Communication through online mass media, emphasizing the evolving role of mass media and Ganjar Pranowo's adept use of it for open communication during the pandemic. Ayu Rachmahwati and Khuswatun Hasanah wrote the article titled "Examining The Impact Of Information Transparency Via @Ganjar_Pranowo's Instagram Content On Public Trust In Pandemic Situation". The authors discovered that with a calculated F-value of 146.267 and a significance level of 0.000 (< 0.05), the study suggests that information transparency through Instagram content influences public trust in pandemic management by approximately 59.9%, with 40.9% influenced by unexplored variables.

The third article is titled Relationships Power of Local Elite and Village Head Candidates in Sukaluyu Village Head Election Contestation Sukawening District Garut District 2019 by Fikri Triyadiansyah and Rahmat Sufajar. This article focuses on the power relations between the local elite and the village head candidate, namely Asep Kurniawan, where the local elite plays a role and has a stake in the life of Sukaluyu Village, both physically and politically. The results of the study show that the power relations that occur between the local elite and Asep Kurniawan are used as a strategic game, domination, and governance where each local elite has a political agreement during the Head Election.

Arrois Febrianto and Devi Purnamasari wrote an article titled "Analysis Instagram Content in the Political Communication Strategies of the 2024 Indonesia Presidential Candidates". The authors emphasized how the advent of digital technology has fundamentally altered the political scene, with online media having a significant impact on public engagement, political campaigns, and general elections.

The fifth article is titled The Use of Law in China IoT Operation Intelligence Concept by Syarifurohmat Pratama Santoso and Moh. Karim. The purpose of the article is to provide an understanding of how intelligence and law relate to the Internet of Things (IoT) in the current era of modern intelligence, particularly in China.

Published: 2023-12-15
