Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021): July-December 2021
In this edition (Volume 22, Number 2, the Year 2021), Sociae Polites focused on the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indonesia. Muhammad Yunus Zulkifli wrote an article titled "Water Security in Ecological Politics During COVID-19 Pandemic Era". He highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the government's ability to ensure national water security and recommended implementing the ecohydrological approach in its development paradigm. Darynaufal Mulyaman, Rudi Kogoya, and Mikhail Adam elaborated on the impact of COVID-19 on the palm oil industry in their article titled "The Post Pandemic Economic Interdependence Conundrum of CPO-Based Industry." The authors argued that the COVID-19 pandemic could be a timely opportunity to promote sustainable palm oil to the global market. COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis but also an environmental crisis. Dhiva Aribah Setyaningrum, Diva Putri Kaloko, Febriana Christianti, Inggrid Janna Bella Sihaloho, Surya Tri Putri Dalapang highlighted "the Problem of Waste Management in ASEAN countries." The researchers found that waste import is still illegally conducted in Indonesia and ASEAN countries. Governments need to more serious in enforcing the law to prevent the incoming of waste import.
Hendra Manurung and Elvinro Sinabariba focused on "Indonesia's Soft Power Using the Case Study of Toba Caldera as UNESCO Global Geopark 2020." #BlackLivesMatter is a global social movement to fight against racial discrimination. Alifianita Amalia, Luthfiyah Alifah Ridwan, Rachel Krisna Ayu, Shuwen Lian discussed the effectiveness of the #BlackLivesMatter in transforming the United States into a more just and fair society. Mita Yesyca offered a critical examination on microfinancing women in "Microfinancing Women: What Does It Mean for Them?". Richie Desandri, Aiko Chya Iswandari, Annisa Hatimah, Graciella Valencia S, Indy Kumala Chandra focused on "the Impact of Technological Advances and the Digitalization of Media in the Development of the Theory of Marxism."
This volume also focused on environmental issues. Verdinand Robertua and Angel Damayanti discussed on the impact of deepwater disaster in the Gulf of Mexico toward the environmental ecosystem. Fitri Silaban, Puan Maharani, Sartika Laurenvia Yohana and Veryzal focused on role of e-commerce giant Amazon in promoting clean energy in the United States. Lastly, Akbar Ramadhan, Andi Enrico Maulana, Angela Novahariani, Angela Deviana Jayanti, and Gabriella Elri Tessalonika focused on the relationship between the European Union and Indonesia in the palm oil sustainability issue.