Vol. 21 No. 2 (2020): Youth Peatland Conference 2020
Sociae Polites has organized Youth Peatland Conference 2020 with generous assistance from Peatland Restoration Agency, Universitas Pancasila, and Rumah Milenial Indonesia. The theme of the Youth Peatland Conference 2020 is: "Youth on Peatland: How to Strengthen SDGs in Tropical Peatland." There are five sub-themes: the restoration, the law and policies, the technology, the media, and the SDGs. The reviewers have conducted a series of meetings to determine the finalists and the paper competition winners.
The first winner is Ainun Hasanah and Muhammad Farouk Setiawan with the article "Rewetting Design for Tropical Peatland Restoration." Hasanah and Setiawan discussed the recommendation of canal blocking with PVC pipes. The runner up is Rizki Atthoriq Hidayat and Muhammad Hanif. They wrote about "Spatial Modeling of the Threat of Damage to the Peatland Ecosystem in the Mainland of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province." The second runner-up is Syahrir Roni Geyasra, Renate Septiana Widiaputri, Sathya Reysha Wacanno. The article "The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 5/2019 in Eradicating the Peatland Fires in the Kalimantan Region". Geyasra, Widiaputri, and Wacanno found many shortcomings regarding Inpres No.5/2019, and the government needs to resolve the problems immediately.
In the Restoration sub-theme, Farhan Kurniawan, Idung Risdiyanto, and Ana Turyanti emphasized that "Fire Vulnerability Maps" prevent future forest fires. Meanwhile, Bayu Novendra and Kania Jennifer Wiryadi proposed implementing "a Strict Liability Principle" to ensure peatland destroyers accountable. In the Technology sub-theme, Rois Saida Sanjaya, Mahendra Zhafir Pratama, Mitra Fitria Anggaraini showed that the "Landsat 8 Satellite" image is useful in detecting the peatland degradation in Kotawaringin Timur Regency. Theresia, Ricky Martin Sihombing, and Florentina Simanungkalit criticized the plan to "Relocate the Indonesian Capital to Kalimantan due to the Risk of Peatland Degradation in Kalimantan". Alya Lihan Eltofani, Fauzan Ishaq, Rani Melani Aldina Wijaya emphasized: "The role of Media in Generating Social Awareness Regarding Peatland Restoration." The authors focused on the case study of gambutlestari.com.
Regarding Peatland Law and Policies, there are three policy proposals. Firstly, Suprayitno, Niwayan Sukraini, Muhammad Noor Fazri Edison proposed implementing "Sustainable Agriculture in the Peatland Area in the Palangka Raya Administration." Secondly, Gumanti O. Simbolon, Naradipatya Pratanjana showed the possibility of "Financing Peatland Conservation using Indonesia Green Bond." Finally, Khalimatus Sa'diyah, Angga Puja Asian, Widya Sari recommend an "Integrated Peatland Management System" that consisted of three different peatland zone (eco-tourism, utilization, and conservation).