
  • July-December 2024
    Vol. 25 No. 2 (2024)

    Sociae Polites published seven (8) articles in the edition of July-December 2024 (Volume 25, Number 2). The first article is titled Interpersonal Communication Patterns Between Coaches And Players At Tuna Betawi Soccer School (Ssb), Srengseng, West Jakarta by Muhammad Zidane and Sunengsih D. Simatupang. This paper aims to understand how communication between coaches and students influences soccer coaching within the SSB environment. These findings contribute significantly to the development of more effective coaching practices beneficial for children's development at SSB and other sports environments.

    Choirul Umam wrote an article titled Betawi Community Perception of Ondel-Ondel As A Street Performer Attribute in North Petukangan, South Jakarta. The research uses a qualitative descriptive method with interviews conducted with five purposively selected informants, specifically Betawi residents in Petukangan Utara who have never used Ondel-ondel for busking. The results of this study are expected to provide input to the government and society on ways to preserve culture without sacrificing the intrinsic cultural values.

    The third article is titled Breaking Barriers: Society's Interpretation of The Concept of Empowered Women in The Barbie Movie by Naomi Forintan. This study aims to explore the meaning of the concept of empowered women in the Barbie movie through audience reception analysis using Ien Ang's theory. This was derived from the in-depth interpretations of each informant, which were then categorized into good and bad criteria according to Ien Ang's analysis.

    The fourth article with the title Japan Gastrodiplomacy In Practices: The Washoku Program Towards Indonesia by Meilinda Anastasia Sembiring, Riski Muhamad Baskoro, Muhammad Farid talks about The influence of Japanese culture develops through references to popularized products, one of which is traditional Japanese food products. This research will explore the extent to which Japan carried out gastrodiplomacy towards Indonesia through the Washoku program. This analysis will be carried out using gastrodiplomacy theory, focusing on the uniqueness of Japanese food. Meanwhile, the research method is qualitative. 

    The fifth article is titled The Perception of Self-Identity In Generation Z Within The Subcultural Trend of “Skena” in Tiktok Content By Sastra Silalahi written by Femi Julia Zega, Jennefer Feissylia, Natanael Vincent Thimoty, Alessandro Garcia Pratama Ambesa, Indah Novitasari, Formas Juitan Lase. This study explored how Generation Z perceives and responds to "Scene" subculture content on TikTok, specifically from the account @sastra.silalahi. The scene content by @sastra.silalahi offers guidance and assessments on how to engage with this subculture, known for its distinct lifestyle and appearance. The method of this study was using a netnographic approach, the study analyzed user comments on the top five scene posts with the highest engagement. 

    The sixth article with the title The Effect of Using Instagram Social Media On Fulfilling The Information Needs of Followers @Infobekasi by Annisa Eka Syafrina aims to see whether there is an influence of the use of Instagram social media on fulfilling the information needs of @infobekasi followers. The method used is a quantitative method with data collection techniques using questionnaires. This research uses a descriptive approach with the aim of describing the research object or research results used to explain the influence of the use of Instagram social media on meeting the information needs of @infobekasi followers.

    The seventh article is titled Japan's Increasing Threat Perception of China Influence Its Decision To Re-Engaged The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) In 2017 by Ilmi DwiastutiPresident University and Stefanny. The paper addresses the rising concern in Japan over China's growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region, which has led to increased tensions and security dilemmas. Japan's perception of China as a threat, particularly due to its military expansion and assertive policies, has had a significant impact on its foreign policy decisions. In response to this perceived threat, Japan re-engaged with the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), a strategic forum comprised of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan, in 2017.

    Verdinand Robertua wrote an article titled Barito Renewable Energy (Bren) and The Ftse Index: A Case Study On Global Climate Finance's Direction talks about the exclusion of Barito Renewables Energy (BREN), Indonesia's largest renewable energy company, from the FTSE Global All Cap Index has highlighted critical gaps in global climate finance and the role of index providers in shaping investment flows.  The study employs a qualitative research methodology, drawing on primary data from Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), FTSE Russell, and PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk (BREN), as well as secondary data from financial reports, media analysis, and market research. 


  • January-June 2024
    Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024)

    Sociae Polites published six (6) articles in the edition of January-June 2024 (Volume 25, Number 1). The first article is titled "Seasonal" Propaganda Communication on the Political Stage" by Chontina Siahaan and Donal Adrian. This paper attempts to look at the propaganda communication that has been found by legislative candidates to attract the attention of the public to be able to elect them as potential leaders for the next 5 years. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques consisting of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation.

    The second article discussed the various types of ethical violations that may occur in news aired by television media. This article discusses ethical violations committed by television media during the 2024 general election period. Fransiscus Dicha Sidabutar, Victor Rodam Matrano, and Chontina Siahaan wrote the article titled "The Ethical Violations on Television Media in the 2024 General Election (Metro TV Case Study)". The authors discovered that there was an ethical violation in the form of a conglomeration in the news that had been aired by Metro TV. This conglomerate was seen through several YouTube shows owned by Metro TV.

    The third article by Gaston Otto Malindir and Bayu Septiansyah with the title "Dynamics of the Recruitment Process for Women Legislative Candidates (A Study of the NASDEM Party in the 2024 Legislative Elections)" discussed the recruitment process carried out by the West Java Province NasDem Party for women legislative candidate candidates in the 2024 General Election which tends to be closed and only provides opportunities to women with certain backgrounds. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques that include observation and literature study. . Data shows that the NasDem Party's female legislative candidates who are contesting in the XI electoral district in West Java are mostly dominated by businessmen, and are followed by party administrators. 

    The fourth article by Frans Nadeak and Nabila titled "Analysis of The Prabowo-Gibran Campaign Model in the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections"  analyzes and describes the campaign trends of the Prabowo-Gibran pair in the 2024 elections. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through interviews and literature studies. Based on the interviews, this researcher found that the "Gemoy" image promoted by Prabowo Subianto's campaign team during the presidential election was the main goal to change people's perception of Prabowo from a tough and strong figure to a warm, funny, and warm figure.

    The fifth article by Maria Florida Suryani Seran and Veronika Ina Assan Boro with the title "Women’s Participation in The Recruitment of Village Deliberative Bodies in Central Wologai Village, Detusoko District, Ende Regency In 2019" discussed how women participate in recruiting members of the Village Deliberative Bodies in Central Wologai Village. A qualitative descriptive method is used in this study.  The findings in this study show that the recruitment of members of the Village Deliberative Bodies in Central Wologai Village shows that women's representation has increased from the minimum limit of 30%. The results of the recruitment of members of the Village Deliberative Bodies showed that women's representation reached 64.1%.

    The sixth article titled "The Pyramid of Global Environment Movement: Case Study of the Impact Greta Thunberg in Indonesia" by Verdinand Robertua, Mayra Putri Rahayu, Afri Yandy Zefanya Pangihutan, Eunitania Peron Abda analyzed the Pyramid of Digital Activism conceptualized by George and Leidner (2019) to the global environmental movement, using Greta Thunberg as a case study. This research explores Thunberg's impact on environmental politics in Indonesia, highlighting how her digital activism has galvanized a new generation of eco-activists and influenced policy discussions. By leveraging social media, Thunberg has transcended geographical barriers, demonstrating the potential of digital activism to foster significant environmental advocacy and policy change. The study concludes that the new Pyramid of Global Environmental Activism framework provides a robust model for understanding the dynamics and impact of digital activism within the environmental movement.

  • July-December 2023
    Vol. 24 No. 2 (2023)

    Sociae Polites published five (5) articles in the edition of July-December 2023 (Volume 24, Number 2). The first article is titled Pursuing Sustainability: Environmental Communication and the Community’s Role in Enhancing Banjarmasin’s Ecosystems by Bambang Dwi Waluyo and Achmad Bayu Chandra Buwono. This paper attempts to look at the cognitive behavior of the people of Banjarmasin in regard to the messages that were communicated by the Sahabat Sungai community. This is done by attempting to understand the strategies that were carried out by the Sahabat Sungai community through environmental communication

    The second article discussed the realm of Political Communication through online mass media, emphasizing the evolving role of mass media and Ganjar Pranowo's adept use of it for open communication during the pandemic. Ayu Rachmahwati and Khuswatun Hasanah wrote the article titled "Examining The Impact Of Information Transparency Via @Ganjar_Pranowo's Instagram Content On Public Trust In Pandemic Situation". The authors discovered that with a calculated F-value of 146.267 and a significance level of 0.000 (< 0.05), the study suggests that information transparency through Instagram content influences public trust in pandemic management by approximately 59.9%, with 40.9% influenced by unexplored variables.

    The third article is titled Relationships Power of Local Elite and Village Head Candidates in Sukaluyu Village Head Election Contestation Sukawening District Garut District 2019 by Fikri Triyadiansyah and Rahmat Sufajar. This article focuses on the power relations between the local elite and the village head candidate, namely Asep Kurniawan, where the local elite plays a role and has a stake in the life of Sukaluyu Village, both physically and politically. The results of the study show that the power relations that occur between the local elite and Asep Kurniawan are used as a strategic game, domination, and governance where each local elite has a political agreement during the Head Election.

    Arrois Febrianto and Devi Purnamasari wrote an article titled "Analysis Instagram Content in the Political Communication Strategies of the 2024 Indonesia Presidential Candidates". The authors emphasized how the advent of digital technology has fundamentally altered the political scene, with online media having a significant impact on public engagement, political campaigns, and general elections.

    The fifth article is titled The Use of Law in China IoT Operation Intelligence Concept by Syarifurohmat Pratama Santoso and Moh. Karim. The purpose of the article is to provide an understanding of how intelligence and law relate to the Internet of Things (IoT) in the current era of modern intelligence, particularly in China.

  • January-June 2023
    Vol. 24 No. 1 (2023)

    Sociae Polites published two articles in the edition of January-June 2023 (Volume 24, Number 1). The first article is titled "G20 Commitment in the Achievement of SDGs 7: Opportunities and Challenges" by Laode Muhammad Fathun and Shanti Darmastuti. The article discussed and analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by the G20 in implementing commitments to achieve SDG 7. The article evaluates and identify the chronology of the discussion of new renewable energy in the meetings of G20 countries. 

    The second article discussed the challenges in implementing Goal 16 SDG in ASEAN, especially goals 16.7 and 16.8 with the case study of Indonesia's implementation of a just and inclusive society. Immanuel Ferdinand Barmandi and Ellya Dameria Enesca wrote the article titled "SDG 16 in ASEAN: Case Study on Building Just and Inclusive Societies in Indonesia". The authors discovered that, while SDG implementation performs well in terms of social inclusion in the local community (a smaller area of development), it performs poorly in terms of human rights and tolerance and there is a risk of failure in the actual implementation of SDG Goal 16 in a large and diverse country like Indonesia.

  • July-December 2022
    Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022)

    Sociae Polites published five articles in the edition of July-December 2022 (Volume 23, Number 2). The first article is titled "The Role of the Indigenous Elite in the 2017 Regional Head Election of Buru Regency" by Ahmad Bilal Tuhulele, Sri Yunanto and Usni Hasa. Tuhulele, Yunanto and Hasa elaborated their findings about the relevance of the theory of political participation in the case study of the 2017 Pilkada in Buru Regency.

    The second article discussed about the ERIA’s contribution to ASEAN Infrastructure development. Nanda Sucita Putri and Denise Ann wrote the article titled “ERIA Contribution to Development of ASEAN Infrastructure Through Comprehensive Asian Development Plan (CADP). The authors found that the Comprehensive Asian Development Plan has helped the implementation of ASEAN Community pillars and infrastructure growth in ASEAN countries grow significantly.

    The next article discussed about the problem of political crisis in Ethiopian and the exodus of refugees to neighboring countries including Sudan. Ahsani Maulinardi, Yon Machmudi and Sri Yunanto highlighted the humanitarian crisis in the border of Ethiopia and Sudan in the article titled "The Exodus of Ethiopian Refugees in Sudan: A Study of Roles and Responsibilities of Host Countries". Using the African Refugee Model, the authors elaborated  the eagerness of the Sudanese government to handle the refugees.

    The fourth article is about the environmental issue in Jakarta. William Ciputra wrote the article titled "Action Plan of the Governor of DKI Jakarta in Facing Climate Change and Its Impact". Ciputra highlighted the implementation of Paris Agreement and the role of DKI Jakarta in implementing Paris Agreement. He concluded that there are many challenges that the DKI Jakarta must face in implementing Paris Agreement.

    The next article is written by Leonard Hutabarat. Leonard Hutabarat discussed about the role South-South cooperation in Achieving SDGS using the case study of Indonesia. Indonesian diplomacy is expectetd to part of development cooperation form for restoring and  building back better in achieving the goals of SDGs 2030. The sixth article discussed about Labor Cooperation with Saudi Arabia. Leriche Venisha argued that te governments of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia have agreed on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the placement and protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia.


  • January - June 2022
    Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022)

    Sociea Polites published six articles in the edition of January-June 2022 (Volume 23, Number 1). The first article is titled "Eco-friendly fish farming: responsibly-sustainable aquaculture among ASEAN countries" written by Borromeo, Urbano and Rivera. The next author is Noh Navey. He wrote an article titled "Exploring strategies to improve the service quality of food in community-based ecotourism: a case study of trapeang sangke community-based ecotourism, Kampot Province". Not only about environmental issues, this edition also published article about "Solving Indonesia's health system problem during CoVID-19 Pandemic through ASEAN Economic Community" written by Az-Zahra, Wiyasa, Adventio and Lubis.

    There are two articles related to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in this edition. The first article is wrriten by Santoso, Akbar and Yulyanto titled "The role of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights in handling the Islamophobia in Myanmar Rohingya Case". The second articles related to ASEAN is written by Biantoro, Fahira and Alifah titled "The implementation of AHRD in Indonesia study case: human rights violations towards human rights activists in Papua".

    The last but not the least, Sociae Polites published an article titled "Virtual hologram learning as a publishing media of nusantara culture study case: Mabayang-bayang tradition in Sengkiding village". Anggirawati, Kanya, Sirlaksmi and Sari discussed the idea of the combination of technology and culture to protect and promote the Bali culture.

  • July-December 2021
    Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021)

    In this edition (Volume 22, Number 2, the Year 2021), Sociae Polites focused on the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indonesia. Muhammad Yunus Zulkifli wrote an article titled "Water Security in Ecological Politics During COVID-19 Pandemic Era". He highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the government's ability to ensure national water security and recommended implementing the ecohydrological approach in its development paradigm. Darynaufal Mulyaman, Rudi Kogoya, and Mikhail Adam elaborated on the impact of COVID-19 on the palm oil industry in their article titled "The Post Pandemic Economic Interdependence Conundrum of CPO-Based Industry." The authors argued that the COVID-19 pandemic could be a timely opportunity to promote sustainable palm oil to the global market. COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health crisis but also an environmental crisis. Dhiva Aribah Setyaningrum, Diva Putri Kaloko, Febriana Christianti, Inggrid Janna Bella Sihaloho, Surya Tri Putri Dalapang highlighted "the Problem of Waste Management in ASEAN countries." The researchers found that waste import is still illegally conducted in Indonesia and ASEAN countries. Governments need to more serious in enforcing the law to prevent the incoming of waste import.

    Hendra Manurung and Elvinro Sinabariba focused on "Indonesia's Soft Power Using the Case Study of Toba Caldera as UNESCO Global Geopark 2020." #BlackLivesMatter is a global social movement to fight against racial discrimination. Alifianita Amalia, Luthfiyah Alifah Ridwan, Rachel Krisna Ayu, Shuwen Lian discussed the effectiveness of the #BlackLivesMatter in transforming the United States into a more just and fair society. Mita Yesyca offered a critical examination on microfinancing women in "Microfinancing Women: What Does It Mean for Them?". Richie Desandri, Aiko Chya Iswandari, Annisa Hatimah, Graciella Valencia S, Indy Kumala Chandra focused on "the Impact of Technological Advances and the Digitalization of Media in the Development of the Theory of Marxism."

    This volume also focused on environmental issues. Verdinand Robertua and Angel Damayanti discussed on the impact of deepwater disaster in the Gulf of Mexico toward the environmental ecosystem. Fitri Silaban, Puan Maharani, Sartika Laurenvia Yohana and Veryzal focused on role of e-commerce giant Amazon in promoting clean energy in the United States. Lastly, Akbar Ramadhan, Andi Enrico Maulana, Angela Novahariani, Angela Deviana Jayanti, and Gabriella Elri Tessalonika focused on the relationship between the European Union and Indonesia in the palm oil sustainability issue.  

  • Indonesia Clean Energy Conference 2021
    Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021)

    Sociae Polites has organized Indonesia Clean Energy Conference 2021 with generous assistance from Petromindo. The first article is Tiara Amirasyam, Ayu Cristhine, Salsabila Nurjihan, Nico Haris Berkat Manik, and Meilina Grecia with the article "Increased Low-Cost Biohydrogen Production Using Co-Culture Fermentation of Dairy Wastewater". Amirasyam and her team discussed the recommendation of dairy wastewater for low-cost biohydrogen. The second article "Coffee Husk Based Activated Carbon Electrode Supercapacitor as an Alternative to Renewable Energy Storage Devices in Indonesia" is written by Andri Pangestu Purba, Mark Philip Purba, and Mesakh L Tobing.  This article is discussed about the concrete optimization of coffee waste as one of the largest sources of biomass energy in Indonesia.

    The third article "Effectiveness of Integrated Carbon Capture Technology in Waste to Energy Plants and Implementation Prospects" is written by Fikri Muhammad Akbar, Muhammad Najmi Hafiy, Farid Ibrahim, and AdamMuhammad Yudhistira. The authors concluded that the usage of CCS is very effective to reduce the CO2 emissions emitted from Waste-to-Energy Plants with 95% accuracy. The fourth article "The Challenge for Indonesian Biofuel Governance: Study Case of State-Business Relation Between Korindo and Indonesian Government on Palm Oil Business" was written by Darynaufal Mulyaman and Aji Said Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Fajri. The authors highlighted public concern over the environmental preserving effort in Indonesia’s biodiversity and climate actions with the case study of Korindo's palm oil plantation. The fifth article "Sustainable Floating Architecture Prototype as Energy Efficiency Methods Implementation in Indonesia" was written by Rani Yuni Wulandari, Stephanus Wirawan Dharmatanna, Sitti Awalia Dewi Permatasari, Diandra Aprilia Judiono, and Ismail Salam. 

  • Youth Peatland Conference 2020
    Vol. 21 No. 2 (2020)

    Sociae Polites has organized Youth Peatland Conference 2020 with generous assistance from Peatland Restoration Agency, Universitas Pancasila, and Rumah Milenial Indonesia. The theme of the Youth Peatland Conference 2020 is: "Youth on Peatland: How to Strengthen SDGs in Tropical Peatland." There are five sub-themes: the restoration, the law and policies, the technology, the media, and the SDGs. The reviewers have conducted a series of meetings to determine the finalists and the paper competition winners.

    The first winner is Ainun Hasanah and Muhammad Farouk Setiawan with the article "Rewetting Design for Tropical Peatland Restoration." Hasanah and Setiawan discussed the recommendation of canal blocking with PVC pipes. The runner up is Rizki Atthoriq Hidayat and Muhammad Hanif. They wrote about "Spatial Modeling of the Threat of Damage to the Peatland Ecosystem in the Mainland of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province." The second runner-up is Syahrir Roni Geyasra, Renate Septiana Widiaputri, Sathya Reysha Wacanno. The article "The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 5/2019 in Eradicating the Peatland Fires in the Kalimantan Region". Geyasra, Widiaputri, and Wacanno found many shortcomings regarding Inpres No.5/2019, and the government needs to resolve the problems immediately.

    In the Restoration sub-theme, Farhan Kurniawan, Idung Risdiyanto, and Ana Turyanti emphasized that "Fire Vulnerability Maps" prevent future forest fires. Meanwhile, Bayu Novendra and Kania Jennifer Wiryadi proposed implementing "a Strict Liability Principle" to ensure peatland destroyers accountable. In the Technology sub-theme, Rois Saida Sanjaya, Mahendra Zhafir Pratama, Mitra Fitria Anggaraini showed that the "Landsat 8 Satellite" image is useful in detecting the peatland degradation in Kotawaringin Timur Regency. Theresia, Ricky Martin Sihombing, and Florentina Simanungkalit criticized the plan to "Relocate the Indonesian Capital to Kalimantan due to the Risk of Peatland Degradation in Kalimantan". Alya Lihan Eltofani, Fauzan Ishaq, Rani Melani Aldina Wijaya emphasized: "The role of Media in Generating Social Awareness Regarding Peatland Restoration." The authors focused on the case study of 

    Regarding Peatland Law and Policies, there are three policy proposals. Firstly, Suprayitno, Niwayan Sukraini, Muhammad Noor Fazri Edison proposed implementing "Sustainable Agriculture in the Peatland Area in the Palangka Raya Administration." Secondly, Gumanti O. Simbolon, Naradipatya Pratanjana showed the possibility of "Financing Peatland Conservation using Indonesia Green Bond." Finally, Khalimatus Sa'diyah, Angga Puja Asian, Widya Sari recommend an "Integrated Peatland Management System" that consisted of three different peatland zone (eco-tourism, utilization, and conservation).

  • January - June 2020
    Vol. 21 No. 1 (2020)

    In this volume (Volume 21, Number 1, The Year 2020), Sociae Polites focused on the European Union's environmental diplomacy dynamic. The European Union (EU) is a powerful organization in the current global politics that can influence many countries' domestic policy, including environmental policy. Ellya Dameria Enesca and Ivonne Easteria Riyadi outlined the issues and challenges of EU environmental diplomacy in their article "Quo Vadis EU Environmental Diplomacy." The article "The European Union and the Paris Agreement" described the global context of EU environmental diplomacy and showed the EU partners' policy on the Paris Agreement. The exit of the United Kingdom (Brexit)  from the EU caused damage to the EU's economy and the EU's environmental diplomacy. The damage is elaborated in the article "Brexit Impact on the EU's Climate Diplomacy."

    The EU has environmental problems in its relationship with the United States of America, China, and Indonesia. Theresia Siahaan focused on the impact of the EU's ban on Indonesia palm oil in her article "Indonesia Environmental Diplomacy in President Joko Widodo's Era (2014-2019) of The Issue Rejection Indonesia's CPO by European Union". The relationship between the EU and Indonesia is also elaborated in the article "The European Union, Indonesia and Renewable Energy Directive." Regarding China, the EU has imposed an extra tariff on solar panel import from China. The article "The European Union, China, and Solar Panel" has highlighted the tariff's impact on the relationship between the EU and China. Meanwhile, the article "The European Union, the United States, and the Genetically Modified Organisms" focused on the EU's environmental policy's impact on the United States' agricultural export. 

    Marinus Mesak, Yanyan Mochamad Yani, and Windy Dermawan discussed the Chinese involvement in Vanuatu and Solomon Island Foreign Policy against Papua Issue. They critically analyzed the Chinese aid to Vanuatu and Solomon Island in the Papua separatist movement in Indonesia. 


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