Current Issue
Sociae Polites published seven (8) articles in the edition of July-December 2024 (Volume 25, Number 2). The first article is titled Interpersonal Communication Patterns Between Coaches And Players At Tuna Betawi Soccer School (Ssb), Srengseng, West Jakarta by Muhammad Zidane and Sunengsih D. Simatupang. This paper aims to understand how communication between coaches and students influences soccer coaching within the SSB environment. These findings contribute significantly to the development of more effective coaching practices beneficial for children's development at SSB and other sports environments.
Choirul Umam wrote an article titled Betawi Community Perception of Ondel-Ondel As A Street Performer Attribute in North Petukangan, South Jakarta. The research uses a qualitative descriptive method with interviews conducted with five purposively selected informants, specifically Betawi residents in Petukangan Utara who have never used Ondel-ondel for busking. The results of this study are expected to provide input to the government and society on ways to preserve culture without sacrificing the intrinsic cultural values.
The third article is titled Breaking Barriers: Society's Interpretation of The Concept of Empowered Women in The Barbie Movie by Naomi Forintan. This study aims to explore the meaning of the concept of empowered women in the Barbie movie through audience reception analysis using Ien Ang's theory. This was derived from the in-depth interpretations of each informant, which were then categorized into good and bad criteria according to Ien Ang's analysis.
The fourth article with the title Japan Gastrodiplomacy In Practices: The Washoku Program Towards Indonesia by Meilinda Anastasia Sembiring, Riski Muhamad Baskoro, Muhammad Farid talks about The influence of Japanese culture develops through references to popularized products, one of which is traditional Japanese food products. This research will explore the extent to which Japan carried out gastrodiplomacy towards Indonesia through the Washoku program. This analysis will be carried out using gastrodiplomacy theory, focusing on the uniqueness of Japanese food. Meanwhile, the research method is qualitative.
The fifth article is titled The Perception of Self-Identity In Generation Z Within The Subcultural Trend of “Skena” in Tiktok Content By Sastra Silalahi written by Femi Julia Zega, Jennefer Feissylia, Natanael Vincent Thimoty, Alessandro Garcia Pratama Ambesa, Indah Novitasari, Formas Juitan Lase. This study explored how Generation Z perceives and responds to "Scene" subculture content on TikTok, specifically from the account @sastra.silalahi. The scene content by @sastra.silalahi offers guidance and assessments on how to engage with this subculture, known for its distinct lifestyle and appearance. The method of this study was using a netnographic approach, the study analyzed user comments on the top five scene posts with the highest engagement.
The sixth article with the title The Effect of Using Instagram Social Media On Fulfilling The Information Needs of Followers @Infobekasi by Annisa Eka Syafrina aims to see whether there is an influence of the use of Instagram social media on fulfilling the information needs of @infobekasi followers. The method used is a quantitative method with data collection techniques using questionnaires. This research uses a descriptive approach with the aim of describing the research object or research results used to explain the influence of the use of Instagram social media on meeting the information needs of @infobekasi followers.
The seventh article is titled Japan's Increasing Threat Perception of China Influence Its Decision To Re-Engaged The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) In 2017 by Ilmi DwiastutiPresident University and Stefanny. The paper addresses the rising concern in Japan over China's growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region, which has led to increased tensions and security dilemmas. Japan's perception of China as a threat, particularly due to its military expansion and assertive policies, has had a significant impact on its foreign policy decisions. In response to this perceived threat, Japan re-engaged with the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), a strategic forum comprised of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan, in 2017.
Verdinand Robertua wrote an article titled Barito Renewable Energy (Bren) and The Ftse Index: A Case Study On Global Climate Finance's Direction talks about the exclusion of Barito Renewables Energy (BREN), Indonesia's largest renewable energy company, from the FTSE Global All Cap Index has highlighted critical gaps in global climate finance and the role of index providers in shaping investment flows. The study employs a qualitative research methodology, drawing on primary data from Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), FTSE Russell, and PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk (BREN), as well as secondary data from financial reports, media analysis, and market research.
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