• C.P.F. Luhulima Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia


Thailand’s borders with Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia
and Malaysia have been established through a
mapping process within the framework of the
Treaty of Westfalpha. Since the England and
France left Southeast Asia after World War II,
Thailand questioned its borders with its
neighbouring countries and since then the border
issue between Thailand and her neighbours
became the major issue. The attempts to resolve
the border conflict between Thailand and
Myanmar have been conducted through
“constructive engagementâ€, and through her policy
of “changing battlefields to market placesâ€. The
ASEAN approach has been employed in her border
conflict with Cambodia. Cambodia’s attempt to
involve the UN Security Council has been responded
by the Council to involve ASEAN in its resolution.
The failure of the ASEAN approach made Cambodia
to submit the issue to the ICJ in The Hague in April
2011. On November 11, 2013 ICJ decided that
Preah Vihear and its surrounding area belong to
Cambodia. The source of the conflict with Malaysia
was not primarily about border, but it was a
political complaint. The rebellion at the border area
will thus not terminate until the Thai authorities
understand the complaints of the Muslim-Malays
at the border area. The ASEAN mechanism to
resolve the inter-state conflict consists of bilateral,
trilateral approaches, through the High Council and
the United Nations. The application of steps
between Thailand and its neighbours are the
bilateral, trilateral steps and the one through the
International Courtof Justice in The Hague.
Keywords: Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Kamboja,
ASEAN, Dispute Settlement Mechanism

Batas Kerajaan Thailand dengan Myanmar, Laos,
Kamboja dan Malaysia dibentuk melalui proses
pemetaan di dalam kerangka Traktat Westfalia.
Ketika Inggris dan Prancis mengundurkan diri
sesudah Perang Dunia II, Thailand mempersoalkan
perbatasannya dengan negara-negara tetangganya,
sehingga perbatasan menjadi pokok
permasalahan. Sengketa dengan Myanmar diupayakan
penyelesainnya melalui “constructive
engagementâ€, dan dengan kebijakannya “changing
battlefields to market placesâ€. Pendekatan ASEAN
digunakan untuk menyelesaikan konflik dengan
Kamboja. Pelibatan Dewan Keamanan PBB dijawab
dengan meminta kedua belah pihak melibatkan
ASEAN. Kegagalan pendekatan ASEAN menyebabkan
Kamboja mengajukan kasus ini ke ICJ pada
April 2011. Pada 11 November 2013 Mahkamah
Internasional di Den Haag memutuskan bahwa
Candi Preah Vihear dan wilayah sekitarnya adalah
milik Kamboja. Permasalahan dengan Malaysia
bukanlah masalah perbatasan antara kedua
negara melainkan keluhan politik, sehingga
pemberontakan di perbatasan tidak akan berakhir
sampai penguasa Thailand memahami keluhan
orang-orang Muslim-Melayu di perbatasan.
Mekanisme ASEAN untuk mengatasi sengketa
antarnegara anggota terdiri dari langkah bilateral,
trilateral, melalui pembentukan Dewan Tinggi dan
melalui lembaga hukum PBB. Yang di-terapkan
dalam kasus sengketa perbatasan antara Thailand
dan negara tetangganya ialah pendekatan
bilateral dan trilateral serta melalui Lembaga
Peradilan PBB.
Kata kunci: Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia,
Kamboja, ASEAN, Mekanisme Penyelesaian
