Foto Karakter merupakan potret karakter atau kepribadian manusia yang dapat diamati dalam perilaku sehari-hari manusia. Foto Karakter dapat ditinjau dari sudut pandang teori The Big Five Personality yang disusun melalui pendekatan yang sederhana agar mampu menggambarkan kepribadian seseorang melalui sifat-sifat yang telah dibuat peringkatnya oleh individu tersebut dan kemudian dianalisis melalui metode analisis faktor. The Big Five Personality memiliki 5 dimensi atau faktor yang dapat mengelompokkan sifat-sifat dasar manusia. Kelima dimensi itu adalah Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, dan Neuroticism. Metode penelitian yang digunakan, yakni metode kualitatif eksplanatori, dimana peneliti menggali secara mendalam data yang diperoleh dari lapangan dan dikaitkan dengan karir siswa, dengan sampel siswa SMA 7 PSKD Depok. Faktor dominan yang dimiliki oleh seluruh peserta didik di SMA PSKD 7 Depok, yaitu kepribadian Neuroticism dengan total skor 1794 dan rata-rata sebesar 26,38, yang berarti pada umumnya peserta didik di SMA PSKD 7 Depok memiliki karakteristik kepribadian Neuroticism positif yang dominan, sehingga guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dapat menyusun rencana layanan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan peserta didik untuk dapat mencapai karir yang sesuai dengan gambaran kepribadian tersebut.
Kata Kunci: foto karakter, the big five personality, karir, dan siswa
Photo characters are portraits of human characters or human personalities thatcan be observed in everyday human behavior. Photo characters can be viewed from the perspective of The Big Five Personality theory, which is arranged through a simple approach to be able to describe a person's personality through the traits that have been ranked by the individual and then analyzed through the factor analysis method. The Big Five Personality has 5 dimensions or factors that can classify basic human traits. The five dimensions are Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. This research used qualitative explanatory method, which researchers explore in depth the data obtained from the field and are associated with student careers, with a sample of PSKD 7 Senior High School students in Depok. The dominant factor possessed by all students in PSKD 7 Senior High School in Depok, namely Neuroticism personality with a total score of 1794 and an average of 26.38, which means that in general students at PSKD 7 Senior High School in Depok have dominant positive Neurotic personality characteristics, so Guidance and Counseling teachers can develop service plans that are tailored to the needs of students to be able to achieve a career that is in line with the personality description.
Keywords: photo character, big five personality, guidance and counseling
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