RESPON PERTUMBUHAN KAPULAGA LOKAL (Amomum compactum Soland Ex. Maton) DAN KAPULAGA SABRANG (Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton Var. Mysore) TERHADAP CEKAMAN KEKERINGAN
Drought stress is an inhibiting factor in agricultural, one of the effort to overcome these problems is to use varieties
of plants that are tolerant to drought stress. Cardamom is a plant of the Zingiberaceae which is able to grow in
drought stress. This research aims to obtain the growth response of local Javanese cardamom (A. compactum)
and true cardamom (E. cardamomum) and to obtain the kind of cardamom that is tolerant to drought stress. This
research was conducted using experimental method and completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 x 4 factorial
and four repetitions. The first factor was the variation of field capacity (K) and the second factor was the type of
cardamom (J). Parameters measured include the increase of plant height (cm), plant weight (grams), leaf area
(cm2), number of leaves, leaf chlorophyll content (mg / l), and leaf proline content (ppm). The data was analysed
using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan test α 5%. Results showed that local Javanese cardamom (A.
compactum) has better growth response and was more tolerant to drought stress compared to true cardamom (E.
Keywords: drought stress, local Javanese cardamom (A. compactum), true cardamom (E. cardamomum).
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