Pengawasan Market Conduct Terhadap Layanan Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending) Ditinjau dari Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 01/POJK.07/2013

  • Elizabeth Diani Samantha Legal and Compliance Specialist di Fintegra Homido Indonesia
  • Gindo L. Tobing Universitas Kristen Indonesia
  • Wiwik Sri Widiarty Universitas Kristen Indonesia


Terselenggaranya kegiatan jasa keuangan yang transparan, berkeadilan, dan berintegritas merupakan tujuan utama dibentuknya otoritas jasa keuangan. Salah satu cara untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah melalui pengawasan, termasuk pengawasan Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending). Fokus tulisan ini mengkaji pelaksanaan pengawasan pasar dalam perspektif P2P Lending POJK No. 01/ POJK.07/2013.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang penulis lakukan, pengawasan pasar yang dilakukan oleh OJK belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Kondisi ini karena POJK No.01//POJK.07/2013 belum mengatur secara spesifik tanggal definisi, bentuk, dan mekanisme perilaku pasar yang dilakukan oleh OJK.
Ketentuan Pasal 34 dan Pasal 48 POJK No.01//POJK.07/2013 hanya memiliki korelasi yang paling dekat, namun wujud pengawasan market conduct sebenarnya ada pada layanan P2P Lending.

Kata kunci: Pengawasan, Perilaku Pasar, Peer to Peer Lending

The implementation of financial services activities that are transparent, fair, and with integrity is the main objective of the establishment of a financial services authority. One of the ways to achieve this goal is through supervision, including supervision of Peer to Peer Lending (P2P Lending). The focus of this paper examines the implementation of market supervision in P2P Lending perspective POJK No. 01/POJK.07/2013.
Based on the results of the research that the author has done, market supervision carried out by OJK has not been carried out optimally. This condition is because POJK No.01//POJK.07/2013 has not specifically regulated the date of definition, form and mechanism of market conduct carried out by OJK. 
The provisions of Article 34 and Article 48 of POJK No.01//POJK.07/2013 only have the closest correlation, but the manifestation of market conduct supervision is actually in P2P Lending services.

Keywords: Supervision, Market Conduct, Peer to Peer Lendin
