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Daftar Tilik Penyerahan Naskah

Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • Naskah ditulis dengan program pengolah kata yang umum dikenal y.i. Microsoft Word atau Open Office.
  • Cara penulisan rujukan menurut sistem Vancouver (Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals) edisi keempat.
  • Pernyataan kutipan dalam naskah ditandai dengan nomor yang sesuai dengan penomoran pada Daftar Pustaka.
  • Ketik atau cetak naskah pada kertas putih berukuran A4 (21 x 29,7 mm) dengan margin minimal 25 mm. Kerapatan ketikan 2 spasi.
  • Ketik atau cetak hanya pada satu sisi kertas, tidak timbal balik. Ketik dua spasi seluruhnya dan setiap komponen naskah dimulai pada halaman yang baru dengan urutan: halaman judul, abstrak dan kata kunci, teks (untuk laporan hasil penelitian terdiri atas pendahuluan, metode, hasil dan diskusi), ucapan terima kasih, daftar pustaka, tabel dan legenda (tulisan di bawah foto atau gambar). Halaman diberi nomor berurutan dimulai dari halaman judul.
  • Naskah hasil penelitian ditulis mengikuti struktur Introduction, Method(s), Results, Discussion (IMRD).
  • Bila naskah merupakan hasil penelitian pada manusia atau hewan maka dilampirkan kopi lulus penilaian kaji etik.
  • Judul artikel : singkat namun jelas, tidak melebihi 15 kata.
  • Nama kecil, nama tengah dan nama keluarga setiap penulis, tanpa gelar akademik dan nama instansi tempat penulis bekerja. Nama penulis yang bertanggung jawab untuk korespondensi mengenai naskah diberi tanda khusus.
  • Mencantumkan nama sponsor (dana, peralatan, obat dan sebagainya).
  • Catatan kaki singkat tidak lebih dari 40 ketukan (jumlah huruf dan spasi) di bagian bawah halaman judul, berisi keterangan tentang jenis makalah misalnya makalah pernah disajikan dalam pertemuan ilmiah (tuliskan tempat dan waktu pelaksanaan pertemuan ilmiah), atau makalah berkaitan dengan laporan pendahuluan yang pernah dipublikasikan (tuliskan nama artikel dengan rujukan lengkap), atau makalah merupakan artikel asli, laporan kasus dan sebagainya.
  • Abstrak satu paragraf ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, diketik tidak lebih dari 250 kata, berisi tujuan penelitian, cara kerja, hasil penelitian dan kesimpulan utama. Di bawah abstrak ditulis 3 sampai 10 kata kunci (key words). Diusahakan kata kunci tidak sama dengan judul makalah.

Panduan Penulis

Majalah Kedokteran UKI accepts manuscript in the field of medicine and health. Research paper even case reports are accepted in this journal.
Manuscripts sent to the editors have never been published/published by other scientific journals/magazines and are not being sent to other scientific journals/magazines for publication simultaneously.
The manuscript is written in MS Word format (.doc), written in English based on the Guidelines for the authors below and the General Guidelines for Improved Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI) and General Guidelines for Forming Terms, (abstract is written in English). It is written adjusting to the article template. One article contains 3000-5000 words.
To simplify and optimize the manuscript, the author is recommended to use software tools or tools that have been available such as Mendeley in reference management, KBBI online in maintaining each word according to EYD, and Corel draw in maximizing the resolution of images.
a. Manuscript is 1.5 spaced in A4. The upper, lower, left, and right margin is 2.5 cm. Pages are numbered in the bottom right corner in order after the title page.
b. Title Page contains: title, full names of author(s) and institution(s), e-mail address of the corresponding author, and abstract.
c. Main text should be structured as: introduction (contains main problems, author rationalization of the research importance, main source of the problem, gap analysis, study approach, and ended with a paragraph of research purpose), research method (method, materials, research location and time, population and sample, measurement technique, and or data analysis), results, discussion, conclusion (included : implication, recommendation and research shortage)
d. Ending: References, symbol information. Reference List contains minimum of 8 reference from published scientific journal.
e. Literature Review is structured as introduction, main text, discussion, and conclusion.
f. Case Report is structure as: abstract, introduction (background, purpose and reports benefits), case report, discussion (included : recommendation).
g. Meta-analysis is structured with the same order as Research Articles.
a. Title is written in English and capitalized in the first letter of each word / Title Case (except conjunction which is written with lowercase), bold, Times New Romance font 12 pt., single-spaced, contains a maximum of 15 words and 3 lines, and centered.
b. Author’s full name is written right below the title, single-spaced. No academic title should be written, no abbreviation, Title cased, no uses of the word “by”. The author’s name is ordered as the first writer, second writer, third writer, and so on.
c. University/ Institution and e-mail address of all writers are written below the full name. All author’s e-mail address should be written.
d. Working unit is centered, written in English based on the order of the author, and numbered in superscript. Name, address, and e-mail address is written in the center, below the working unit.
a. The abstract contains main problems, background, purpose, method, and main findings of the research. It is written narratively, contains a maximum of 200 words, single-spaced, without the title “Background:”, “Method:”, “Results:”, “Conclusion” and such.
b.The abstract is written in English and Indonesian respectively.
c. The abstract is typed in Times New Romance 12 pt., without indentation in the first sentence.
d. The Abstract contains keywords. The keyword should be 3-7 words each phrase.

a. Every subtitle is typed in Time New Romance 12 pt., bold, and is not numbered.
Introduction contains background, purpose, novelty, and urgency of the research and hypothesis( if any).
Research Methode contains research design, subject, materials, and procedure. In this part, the author should include reasoning in choosing a certain type of method or any statistical analysis.
The results of the research are presented from the general to specific findings using tables and appropriate images. Most important result must be emphasized without author’s own interpretation.
Discussion contains a comparison of result findings to previous research, cover its implication and how it affects certain fields of science. The author must also discuss any weaknesses of the research.
In this part, the author concludes the discussion mentioned before and stated the answer to the research purposes. The author may insert any suggestions and input for further research.
The author may acknowledge a person or institution that helped him/ him/ them during the research in any way.
additional instruction :
a. New paragraph is aligned to the left and not indented.No spacing between the paragraphs.
b. Foreign words are typed in italics
c. Tables and images are given a clear explanation and numbered
d. Acknowledgment is given to professionals, departments, institutions, or others who have supported the author in any way.
a. References are written in the Vancouver style with the use of Mendeley and numbered in order of their appearance in the text, not ordered by their year of publication or alphabetically.
b. In the article, the reference number is written in superscript without brackets and after the closing punctuation. Every statement must be supported by references written in the reference list.
c. References from the past 5 years is a must (25%). All reference must not more than 10 years from now. The preferences in order are meta -analysis / systemic review; randomized control trial (RCT), quasi-experiment; Observational studies: cohort, case-control, cross-sectional; panel discussion: presiding in oral presentation; textbook; and expert opinion. The proportion is 60% for primary sources such as journal and 40% for others.
d. Abbreviations of journal names should be according to the list of such as NLM Catalog.

Pernyataan Privasi

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.