Risk Factors and Aftermath of Stress on Female Commercial Flight Attendants in Indonesia

  • Manaor F. L. Napitupulu Program of Aviation Medicine, Universitas Indonesia; Faculty of Public Health, Respati Universitas Indonesia- Jakarta
  • Giovani Arini Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia
  • Sara S. Ayutthaya Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia


Stres pada pramugari dapat mengganggu kinerja dan membahayakan pada saat terbang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
diketahuinya faktor risiko stress pada pramugari komersial di Indonesia. Desain studi ini adalah potong lintang
dan menggunakan metode consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 178 pramugari yang melakukan
pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan, Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia.
Penelitian berlangsung dari tanggal 1 November sampai tanggal 1 Desember 2016 menggunakan Depression
Anxiety Stress Scale 21. Analisis stres dilakukan menggunakan Epi Info versi 7 dan EPISTAT versi 3.3. Hasil
penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa 31,46% pramugari mengalami stres. Pramugari dengan lama masa kerja 6-10
tahun memiliki risiko mengalami stress 8 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang masa kerjanya lebih singkat
(ORa=8,11; 95% CI=1,93-5,11; p=0,032). Hipertensi meningkatkan risiko mengalami stres 2,8 kali lipat (ORa
=2,79; 95% CI=1.33-23,02; p=0,040).
Kata kunci: faktor risiko, stres, pramugari komersial

Stress on the flight attendants can interfere their performance during flight. The objective of this study was to know
the risk factors of stress on the female flight attendants in Indonesia. The study used a cross sectional design and
consecutive sampling method with a total sample of 178 female flight attendants who underwent medical checkup
at the Aviation Medical Center, the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. The study was carried
out from 1st of November until 1st of December 2016 using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21. Stress Analysis
was performed with Epi Info version 7 and EPISTAT version 3.3. The results of this study showed that 31.46% of
female flight attendants experienced stress. Female flight attendants with working period of 6-10 years had a risk
of stress 8 times higher than those with shorter working period (adjusted odds ratio (ORa) = 8.11; 95% confidence
interval (CI) = 1.93 to 5.11; p=0.032).Having hypertension increased the risk of stress by 2.8-fold (ORa = 2.79;
95% CI=1.33 to 23.02; p=0.040).
Keywords: risk factors, stress, female commercial flight attendant

How to Cite
Napitupulu, M. F. L., Arini, G., & Ayutthaya, S. S. (2018). Risk Factors and Aftermath of Stress on Female Commercial Flight Attendants in Indonesia. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 34(2), 61-68. Retrieved from http://ejournal.uki.ac.id/index.php/mk/article/view/864