Pneumotoraks pada Bayi yang Terinfeksi HIV
Departemen Kesehatan memperkirakan bahwa setiap hari sepuluh bayi terlahir dengan HIV. Kesehatan bayi tersebut paling rentan pada tahun pertama kehidupannya, dan kemungkinan sepertiganya meninggal dunia sebelum berusia satu tahun, umumnya tanpa didiagnosis HIV.
Seorang bayi berusia dua bulan dirujuk ke RSU FK UKI dengan diagnosis dugaan infeksi HIV disertai pneumotoraks dan pneumonia. Pasien tampak sakit berat, sesak, pemafasan cepat dan dalam dan terdapat nafas cuping hidung. Pemasangan water shield drainage (WSD) dilakukan untuk mengatasi pneumotoraks dan didapatkan perbaikan keadaan umum yang ditandai dengan sesak yang berkurang, frekuensi nafas yang reguler dan adekuat, nafas cuping hidung tidak ada. Dari hasil laboratorium didapatkan HIV- IRNA positif, virus terdeteksi 1.15 ×106 kopi/ml, CD4 36 cell/µL (0%) dengan kesan limfosit T helper tidak terdeteksi. Dari anamnesis yaitu riwayat kelahiran bayi dan ibu merupakan penderita HIV, manifetasi klinis, hasil foto toraks dan hasil laboratorium, pasien didiagnosis menderita HIV-AIDS dengan infeksi oportunistik pneumonia dan pneumotoraks. Untuk mengatasi infeksi oportunistik, diberikan terapi kotrimoksazol 2 ×½ cth, metronidazol 185 mg dan meropenem 2× 40 mg. Setelah perawatan selama 20 hari didapatkan perbaikan pasien secara klinis dan pasien diperbolehkan pulang. Namun pasien tidak mendapat terapi antiretroviral (ARV) karena kondisi keluarga yang tidak mendukung. Diagnosis dini, pencegahan infeksi oportunistik dengan kotrimoksazol, dan terapi ARV bila dibutuhkan, memberi harapan anak yang terinfeksi HIV dapat bertahan hidup sampai tua seperti dengan orang dewasa.
Kata kunci : HIV pada anak, diagnosis, terapi
The Department of Health made estimation that ten Indonesian babies are born with HIV every day. In the first year ; they are very fragile and it is possible that one third of them will die before they reachthe age of one, usually without HIV diagnosis. A two-year-old baby was pointed to FK UKI 's hospital with diagnosis of suspect HIV, pneumothorax and pneumonia. He suffered from dyspnoe, extended breathing and suprasternal, intercostals and epigastrium retraction. A water shield drainage (WSD) was applied. His general condition improved which could be seen in the reducing of dyspnoe. Furthermore, his respiratory rate tends to be normal. The laboratory result was HJV-1 RNA positive1. 15 x I 06 kopi/ml, CD4 36 cells/µ/ (0%) and it seemed that lymphocyteT helper could not be detected. The anamnesis suggested that the baby and the mother was HIV positive. These patients then werediagnosed as HIV-AIDS with opportunistic pneumothorax and pneumonia infection due to the clinical manifestation, the thorax image as well as the laboratory result finding. To overcome the opportunistic infection Cotrimoxazole 2 × ½ cth, metronidazole 185 mg, meropenem 2 × 40 mg and paracetamol 4× 40 mg was given. After twenty days treatment, there was clinically improvement and the patients were allowed to go home. However; the patient did not get antiretroviral (ARV) therapy due to their family condition which could not support it. Finally, the children with HJ V could survive till theirmature age as far as early diagnosis, prevention of opportunistic infection with cotrimoxazole and ARV therapy is applied.
Key words : Children with HIV, diagnostic, therapy
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