Tips Merancang Pemicu dalam Problem-Based Learning

  • Mardiastuti H. Wahid Departemen Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Unit Pendidikan Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia


Abstrak Problem-based learning (PBL) adalah metode belajar bagi mahasiswa dengan pendekatan pembelajaran pilihan yang menunjang prinsip student-centered, active learning. Prinsip dasar PBL adalah sekelompok mahasiswa menentukan kebutuhan belajarnya setelah mendisuksikan satu masalah/pemicu. Terdapat tiga elemen penting dalam PBL yaitu pemicu, fasilitator, dan diskusi kelompok mahasiswa. Keberhasilan implementasi PBL tergantung dari kualitas disain pemicu. Pemicu atau masalah dapat berupa deskripsi alamiah tentang suatu fenomena seperti fenomena fisiologis, biologis, psikologis, dan sosial. Pemicu seyogyanya disusun berdasarkan pengetahuan yang telah dimiliki mahasiswa sebelumnya (prior knowledge) dan derajat kompleksitas sesuai dengan tingkat pendidikan mahasiswa. Ada beberapa tipe pemicu antara lain explanation problem, discussion problem, strategy problem, application problem, dan multilevel problem. Dalam PBL, mahasiswa belajar keterampilan dan sikap yang sesuai dengan praktik kedokteran dan kehidupan mahasiswa. Termasuk di dalamnya cara berkomunikasi dengan sejawat dan orang awam; bekerja dalam tim, membangun inisiatif, berbagi informasi dan menghargai sesama. Selama proses penyusunan, pemicu dikaji secara berkesinambungan sebelum akhirnya disampaikan ke mahasiswa dan fasilitator. Setelah pemicu digunakan, langkah selanjutnya adalah umpan balik dari mahasiswa dan fasilitator.
Kata kunci: problem-based learning, student-centered, active learning, kurikulum berbasis kompetensi, pemicu

Abstract Problem-based learning (PBL) is a method of learning for students as a choosen learning approach that supports the principle of student-centered active learning. The basic principle of PBL is that a group of students decide their own learning needs after discussing a problem/trigger. There are three key elements in PBL: trigger, facilitator, and group discussion. The efficacy of PBL implementation depends on the trigger design quality. Trigger can be a natural description of a physiological, biological, psychological or social phenomenon. Trigger should be arranged based on students’ prior knowledge and degree of complexity according to their level of education. There are several types of trigger, i.e explanation problem, discussion problem, strategy problem, application problem and multilevel problem. In PBL, students learn skills and behaviours according to medical practice and their daily lives. The skills and behaviours include how to communicate with colleagues and laymen, work in a team, build initiative, share information and appreciate others. During the arrangement process, trigger is assessed continualy before it is finally delivered to students and facilitators. After the trigger is used, the next step is a feedback from students and facilitators.
Keywords: Problem-based learning, student-centered, active learning, competency-based curriculum, trigger

How to Cite
H. Wahid, M. (2014). Tips Merancang Pemicu dalam Problem-Based Learning. Majalah Kedokteran UKI, 30(1), 31 - 36.