Kista Radikular Multipel pada Maksila
Abstrak Kista radikular adalah kista odontogenik yang paling sering ditemukan di rahang. Kista ini berhubungan dengan gigi yang non vital. Pada laporan ini dikemukakan kasus kista radikular multipel pada seorang laki-laki berusia 39 tahun yang datang dengan keluhan ingin mencabut gigi dan dibuatkan gigi palsu. Dari pemeriksaan klinis ekstra oral tampak wajah simetris tanpa kelainan. Di intra oral ditemukan pembengkakan berukuran 1,5x1,5x1,5 cm di palatum regio 16-17 dan 26-27, karies profunda gigi 16, 25 dan 27 serta radiks gigi 13, 24 dan 28. Terapi yang dilakukan adalah enukleasi, kuretase dan ekstraksi gigi penyebab dengan anestesi umum. Satu bulan setelah perawatan pasien menunjukkan kondisi yang cukup memuaskan dan protesis dapat mengembalikan fungsi stomatognati yang meliputi mastikasi, bicara dan estetika.
Kata kunci : kista radikular, maksila, enukleasi, kuretase
Abstract Radicular cyst is the most common odontogenic cyst found in the jaw. The cyst is always associated with non vital tooth. This is a case report of multiple radicular cysts in a 39-year-old man, symptoms free, wanted to have his teeth extracted and replaced. A symmetrical face was found in the clinical examination. Furthermore, intra orally two swellings were seen in the palate, each 1,5 cm in diameter. The one at the 16-17 region and the other at the 26-27 region. Profound cavities were found in the 16th, 25th and 27th roots. Then, in the roots of 13th, 24th and 28th its were seen as well. The patient was treated with enucleation, curettage and extraction of causative teeth under general anesthesia. A quite satisfactory condition was shown by the patient a month later. Finally, the maxillary denture reestablishes the normal stomatognatic functions, i.e : masticatory, speech, and aesthetic functions.
Key words : radicular cyst, maxilla, enucleation, curettage
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