Respons Imun pada Infeksi Cryptosporidium
Abstrak Cryptosporidium sp. adalah parasit Coccidia yang menginfeksi sel-sel epitel usus vertebrata dan merupakan agen penyebab kriptosporidiosis. Individu imonokompeten dapat mengontrol dan mengeliminasi infeksi sehingga diare yang ditimbulkan dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya. Sementara itu, individu yang memiliki defek imunitas selular, sering mengalami diare kronis atau peresisten.dan kemungkinan ekstraintestinal seperti saluran empedu. Infeksi oleh parasit ini di kontrol oleh sistem imun alami dan didapat terutama imunitas yang diperantarai oleh sel.
Kata kunci : Cryptosporidium sp, sistem imun alamiah, sistem imun didapat
Abstract The Cryptosporidium sp. is Coccidia parasite which infects a variety of vertebrate hosts’ intestinal epithelial cells. It is the causative agent of cryptosporidiosis. The immunocompetent individual could control and eliminate the infection. Therefore the diarrhea could be cured itself. On the other hand, patients with the cellular immunity defect frequently suffer from persistent or chronic diarrhea. Furthermore, infection with Cryptosporidium sp. may also attack the biliary tract. The coccidia parasite infection be controlled by the innate and aquired immunity. Finally, the cell mediated immunity may play an important role in the control of this infection.
Key words: Cryptosporidium sp. innate immune system, acquired immune system.
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