Lektrokom : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro 2025-02-19T10:32:49+00:00 Susilo S.Kom.,MT Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Lektrokom berisi makalah paper/karya ilmiah dosen, mahasiswa yang terkait dengan Bidang Energi Terbarukan, Control System, ICT, Telecommunication, Smart Energy System yang diterbitkan secara resmi pada Bulan September 2019 oleh Program Studi Teknik Elektro FT UKI.</p> <p>Tujuan Jurnal diterbitkan adalah untuk Publikasi Karya Ilmiah Dosen dan Mahasiswa dengan bidang spesifik Teknik Tenaga Listrik &amp; Teknik Kontrol. Sedangkan cakupan atau fokus masalah yang dicakup adalah Energi Terbarukan, Sistem Kontrol &amp; Cerdas, Smart Grid. Untuk penerbitan jurnal adalah 2 kali dalam setahun yaitu di bulan Maret dan September.</p> ANALISIS KINERJA PLTS ON GRID 3.540 WP DENGAN BEBAN MESIN PENCACAH SAMPAH 2HP DI FAKULTAS TEKNIK UKI JAKARTA 2025-01-30T05:55:21+00:00 Obet Pabika Susilo Susilo Bambang Widodo <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Fossil energy, which is the main source of electricity generation in many countries, makes a major contribution to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Volioh photo solar energy panels (PV) offer an environmentally friendly solution, by utilizing abundant and unlimited solar energy. On-grid PV systems connect solar power plants to the power grid, enabling distributed energy production and efficient utilization of renewable resources. This research The use of on-grid PV-based solar energy is expected to be an important step in creating a more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly energy system.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research show that when measuring PV without load, the PV voltage increases as the light intensity received by the PV increases, but the PV voltage experiences saturation starting from the light intensity of 164 lux.</em></p> <p><em>In the PV test under load the voltage is almost constant around (226.2 to 237.6) votl with changes in load current around (4.94 to 6.76) A</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Solar Power Plant (PLTS). On-grid, Renewable Energy, Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Panels.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) ANALISA PERBANDINGAN BIAYA PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA SURYA OFF-GRID, DENGAN GENERATOR SET DAN PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA DI PT. KIPRA SARANA DUTA AGUNG 2025-01-30T03:53:43+00:00 Ferry Putranto Judo Ignatius Nempung Bambang Widodo <p><em>Electricity is a vital necessity in modern life, but the increasing demand for energy presents significant challenges, especially due to the depletion of natural resources like petroleum in Indonesia. Renewable Energy (RE), particularly solar energy, offers a sustainable solution. Solar Power Plants (PLTS) harness solar energy, an unlimited resource, which has great potential in Indonesia. However, the adoption of PLTS is still hindered by high initial investment costs. This study compares the cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency between Off-grid PLTS, Generators, and PLN electricity at PT. Kipra Sarana Duta Agung. The results show that while the initial investment for PLTS is higher, its operational costs are very low because it requires no fuel or routine maintenance, making it the most economical and environmentally friendly option in the long term. Off-grid PLTS also offers energy independence by storing backup energy in batteries. In contrast, Generators require diesel fuel costs and regular maintenance, while PLN electricity requires ongoing monthly payments. The study concludes that Off-grid PLTS is a more efficient and sustainable energy solution with a payback period of six years. Additionally, Off-grid PLTS aligns with government policies promoting RE as a long-term solution to the depletion of fossil fuels and rising energy costs.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : Cost Comparison Off-Grid PLTS, Generators, and PLN</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) ANALISIS SISTEM PLTS ON-GRID DI TRANS STUDIO MALL CIBUBUR DENGAN KAPASITAS 1507 kWp DITINJAU DARI ASPEK EKONOMI TEKNIK 2025-01-30T04:04:01+00:00 Benyamin Hernan Cresvo Hutasoit Susilo Susilo Judo Ignatius Nempung <p><em>The photovoltaic (PV) system installed at Trans Studio Mall Cibubur operates as an on-grid system designed to lower electricity expenses. It boasts a total capacity of 1507 kWp and has the potential to produce approximately 1,502,240 kWh annually. Between January and March 2024, the system achieved an energy saving of 406,560 kWh, out of an annual usage of 5,626,400 kWp recorded from September to November 2023. This led to a reduction in electricity costs amounting to IDR 421,106,125 for the same timeframe. The economic assessment indicates an initial investment of IDR 12,272,187,620 for the PV system, with yearly operating and maintenance (O&amp;M) costs of IDR 92,581,876. Financial calculations reveal a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of IDR 5,125,472,158 and a Discounted Payback Period (DPP) of approximately 13 years and 7 months. The Break-Even Point (BEP) is anticipated in the 8.6th year, confirming that the project is a sound investment. Post-breakeven, the revenue generated from the PV system will convert into net profit, affirming the system’s economic viability.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>PLTS, On-Grid, engineering economics</em></p> 2025-01-30T04:04:01+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lektrokom : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro ANALISIS ENERGI DAN EKONOMI PLTS ON-GRID PADA RUMAH DINAS PASTORI HKBP PAPAN MAS - BEKASI 2025-02-19T10:32:49+00:00 Eva Magdalena Silalahi David Martua Atmonobudi Soebagio Antonius Dodi Tyas Prasetyo Dery Elfando <p><em>The PLTS designed in the HKBP Papan Mas official residence&nbsp; The PLTS designed at the HKBP Papan Mas - Bekasi Pastor's Official Residence is an on-grid PLTS with the aim of: a) designing a PLTS system based on the on-grid Solar Home System (SHS) using PVSyst software; b) determining the Break Event Point (BEP) value and the cost of electrical energy per kWh (Rp/kWh) of the on-grid PLTS; c) determining the impact of implementing PLTS on reducing CO2 emissions. From the results of the PVSyst simulation, a design for an on-grid PLTS system was obtained with a total daily electrical load of 2,419 W, namely: 8 solar modules with a capacity of 305 Wp per module, 1 unit of 6 kW inverter, with a solar module tilt angle of 14-degree.The average PLTS electrical energy is 9261.4 kWh per year, with total household electrical energy of 21,190.44 kWh/year, and a PLTS system performance ratio of 0.826/year. BEP value of on-grid PLTS 1,715 years, and the cost of electricity is Rp.286,180 per kWh. NPV value of on-grid PLTS Rp.34,159,708. Also obtained, a reduction in CO2 emissions of around 181.4 tons for 35 years of use of on-grid PLTS.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)