Alat Pendeteksi Hambatan Untuk Penyandang Disabilitas Tunanetra
Walking aids for people with visual impairments today still have many weaknesses, therefore it is necessary to develop technology that can help blind people move from place to place. This test was carried out with the aim of building a road tool design tool using a water sensor using the rain sensor module and the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor located in front, left, and right as well as testing the accuracy of the sensor and the success of the tool. The tool is designed using 3 Ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04, Arduino Pro Mini, DF Player Mini, TP4056 Charger Module, Rain Sensor Module, and a Speaker. The instrument was researched to be able to read a distance of 2cm to 150cm for the front, 2-75cm for the left, and 2-75cm for the right. In addition to distance testing, the tool is also tested to read any objects that can be detected and to test the water sensor which is 1.5cm higher than the surface of the tip of the stick. The output of the device is a sound recording issued by the speaker. The results of the research tool have a fairly high level of accuracy if the distance is <30cm from the obstacle while if it is more than >30cm the accuracy level of the tool decreases.
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