Analisa Harmonisa Dan Simulasi Filter Aktif Shunt Pada Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Di Gedung Prodi Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Jakarta Menggunakan Matlab Simulink
In this modern era, power electronics are extensively used in electrical equipment that tends to be nonlinear, resulting in current waveforms that are not identical to voltage waveforms. This research aims to determine the harmonics generated by Base Transceiver Stations (BTS), including the levels of voltage and current harmonic distortion due to electricity consumption in BTS operations. The study was conducted on BTS units located in the Mechanical Engineering Department Building of the Faculty of Engineering at UKI, Jakarta. Based on the research conducted on the BTS units, it was found that the Total Harmonic Distortion Voltage (THDV) for phases R, S, and T were 1.62%, 1.39%, and 1.34%, respectively, which still meet the IEEE 519-2014 standards. On the other hand, the values of Total Harmonic Distortion Current (THDI) for phases R, S, and T were 6.20%, 5.93%, and 5.57%, respectively, failing to meet the IEEE 519-2014 standards, with the dominant harmonics occurring at the 3rd order. Based on the simulation results of the designed active shunt filter using MATLAB, the THDI values after applying the active shunt filter for phases R, S, and T were 0.15%, 0.68%, and 0.59%, respectively, meeting the IEEE 519-2014 standards. Additionally, the dominant current harmonics for the 3rd order also meet the IEEE 519-2014 standards, with harmonic levels of 0.01%, 0%, and 0.01% for phases R, S, and T.
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