Fundamental Management Journal 2024-09-07T08:07:50+00:00 Jhonny Siagian, S.E., M.M Open Journal Systems <div style="float: left; margin-right: 1em;"><img src="" alt=""></div> <p>Fundamental Management Journal, a scientific journal published by Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Indonesia covered many research such as economic and finance studies, marketing, and human resources.<br>Fundamental Management Journal&nbsp;will publish in two times issues each year.</p> Relationship between Human Resource Development, Work Discipline on Nurse Performance at Hermina Jatinegara Hospital 2024-09-03T01:34:47+00:00 Dedy Santoso Nainggolan Christina N. Sihombing Jonny Siagian <p><em>HR developments is a manifestation of efforts to developed the qualities of human resources capabilities through various processes of educational planning methods, training, and managements of personel or employee to achieving a satisfactory result. The quality of health services provided by nurses is determined by their performance, so in order to maintain a better quality of service, one of benchmark in assessing qualities of nursing service in hospital is to assess performance of nursing service in hospital rooms. These studies aim to determining partial and simultaneous relationships between development of human resources and work discipline on the performance of nurses at Hermina Jatinegara Hospital. Data collections technique in these studies was a questionnaire. Population of these studies were all nurses at Hermina Jatinegara Hospital inpatient work units, totaling 30 peoples with the overall sampling or saturate sample. The type of research use in these studies is a quantitative approach, by tested probability value of Spearman rank correlation significance, by tested validity and reliability of statements item for each variable and t test and f test which are process use SPSS version 27 programs. The result of these studies indicating that partially developments of human resource is significant relate to performances of nurse indicate by a significances value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05, then partially work discipline is significant relate to performances of nurse indicate by a significances value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05, then simultaneously the development of human resources and work discipline has a significant relationship with nurse performance shown with a significances value of 0.000 ≤ 0.05. The author's suggestion in these studies is that Hermina Jatinegara Hospital can provide development training to support nurse skills, evaluate nurse work time and provide assistance by supervisors to support nurse performance.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:&nbsp;</em></strong><em>Human Resource Development, Work Discipline, and Performance</em></p> 2024-04-27T08:01:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dedy Santoso Nainggolan dedy, Christina N. Sihombing , Jonny Siagian THE INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY, PRICE AND PROMOTION ON THE DECISION TO PURCHASE VANS SHOES (Case Study of Students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Indonesian Christian University) 2024-06-10T04:00:51+00:00 Cathrine Novatisa cantryn Fenny B.N.L. Tobing Netty Laura S <p><em>The studies aim to understand following aspects of the purchase decision: the presence of a partial influence on the quality of the product on decisions to purchase Vans shoes, existence of a Partial influency on price of decision on purchase of Vans footwear, Presence of an influencing of promotions on purchasing decisions of Vans brand shoe, and the combined impact of products quality, prices, and promotions on Vans’ decisions to buy shoes. Most of populations in these studies were active student at Christian University Indonesia who already wore Vans shoes. Respondents to this study consisted of 58 respondents and sampling techniques use is purposive Sampling. Data analyst techniques use in these studies is Double Linear Regressions use application SPSS 25. Results of these studies show that (1) the quality of the product has partials influence on the purchase decisions of the Vans branded shoes, (2) the price has no partial effects on the buying decision of Vans, (3) the promotion is partially influenced on the purchasing decision for Vans Brand Shoes, and (4) the products quality, prices, and promotions combined have an impact on Vans’ brands shoe purchase decisions. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Product Qualities, Prices, Promotions, Purchase Decisions</em></p> 2024-04-27T09:48:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cathrine Novatisa cantryn, Fenny B.N.L. Tobing, Netty Laura S THE INFLUENCE OF SERVICE QUALITY AND COMPANY IMAGE ON CONSUMER SATISFACTION AT CARRO INDONESIA.ID HARAPAN INDAH BEKASI BRANCH 2024-06-10T03:59:21+00:00 Muhamad Chaerul Ikhsan Muhamad Carolina F.Sembiring Wilson Rajagukguk <p><em>The era of progress and development has made four-wheeled vehicles, or cars, a basic necessity for the middle to upper-class society. This is evident from the increasing purchase of used cars every year. The number of car users continues to rise, resulting in various complex issues. One of the main issues is the worsening traffic congestion, leading to an increase in road accidents. The automotive service industry continues to evolve, providing adequate facilities. When these services are delivered effectively, they are used to enhance customer satisfaction. A quantitative approach is employed, and it has a cause-and-effect relationship design for the specific variables. The research findings are as follows: service quality has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, with low significance (0.000 &lt; 0.05). Similarly, the company image has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, with low significance (0.004 &lt; 0.05). Furthermore, there is a positive and significant simultaneous impact of the variables on customer satisfaction, as evidenced by the high F-value (191.345 &gt; 3.136) and low significance level (0.000 &gt; 0.05). In conclusion, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, indicating that service quality and company image significantly influence customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Service Quality, Corporate Image, and Customer Satisfactio</em></strong><strong><em>n</em></strong></p> 2024-04-27T11:22:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Chaerul Ikhsan Muhamad, Carolina F.Sembiring, Wilson Rajagukguk THE INFLUENCE OF GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON PROFITABILITY IN AGRICULTURE SUB-SECTOR COMPANIES REGISTERED IN 2018-2022 ON THE INDONESIAN STOCK EXCHANGE 2024-04-27T13:34:10+00:00 Grefi Simanjuntak Grefi Magit Les Denny Tewu Ktut Silvanita Mangani <p><em>Corporate governance is a set of guidelines used by companies in managing their operations with the hope of maintaining productivity and sustainability, so as to optimize company profits. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact or influence of corporate governance, both partially and simultaneously, on profitability in agricultural sub sector enterprises publicly listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Assessment of corporate governance is carried out through indicators such as the composition of the board of commissioners, board of directors, audit committee and institutional ownership, while profitability uses return on assets (ROA). This research utilizes a quantitative methodology utilizing secondary data acquired from financial reports, company annual reports, and corporate governance implementation reports. The data analysis methods used include quantitative descriptive statistics, data normality tests, multiple linear regression analysis, additionally conducting hypothesis testing utilizing the t test and F test. The outcomes of the t test research indicates that the variables concerning of the board of commissioners, board of directors and audit committee do not have a significant effect on profitability (ROA) agricultural sub-sector </em><em>enterprises publicly listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange</em><em>. However, institutional ownership has a significant effect on the company's profitability (ROA). The results of the study indicate the f test indicates that the variables board of commissioners, board of directors, audit committee and institutional ownership have a significant influence on the profitability (ROA) of agricultural sub sector enterprises publicly listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Corporate Governance, ROA</em></strong></p> 2024-04-27T13:34:10+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Grefi Simanjuntak Grefi, Magit Les Denny Tewu, Ktut Silvanita Mangani The Influence of Company Ownership Structure and Earnings Management on Going Concerns Opinion with The Audit Committee as A Moderation Variable in Manufacturing Companies Listed from 2017 to 2022 on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2024-06-10T03:55:34+00:00 Andriana Andriana Nera Marinda Machdar Melinda Malau <p><em>This research aims to examine the effect of ownership structure and earnings management on going concerns opinion with the audit committee as a moderating variable. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia from 2017-2022. This research uses quantitative research methods with documentation and library techniques. The sampling technique in this research used a purposive sampling approach. The number of samples in this research were 864 observations on 144 companies within 6 years. The analytical method used in this research uses logistic regression analysis with descriptive analysis of data including descriptive statistical test, classic assumption test including goodness of fit test multicollinearity test, overall model fit test and determination test (McFadden R-squared), Moderation Regression Analysis (MRA) and hypothesis testing, namely the partial t test (statistical Z test) with the EViews application tool version 12. The result of this research indicate that partially institutional ownership has a negative effect on going concerns opinion, managerial ownership has no effect on going concerns opinion, earnings management has a negative effect on going concerns opinion, audit committees cannot moderate in weakening or strengthening the influence of institutional ownership structure on going concerns opinion, the audit committee as a moderating variable can strengthen the effect of managerial ownership structure on going concerns opinion, and the audit committee as a moderating variable can weaken the effect of earnings management on going concerns opinion</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:&nbsp;</em></strong><em>Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, Earning Management, Going Concerns Opinion, Audit Committee</em></p> 2024-04-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andriana Andriana, Nera Marinda Machdar, Melinda Malau The Influence of Work Motivation and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at The Depok City Civil Service and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) 2024-09-07T08:07:50+00:00 Monica Nauli Chrissensia Netty Laura S Jonny Siagian <p><em>This study aims to uncover the role of work motivation and work discipline in shaping employee performance at the Depok City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), based on various cases related to employee performance. Many cases exhibit symptoms of imbalance. Researchers use Douglas McGregor's theory to describe motivation and utilize both primary and secondary information. The study employs a quantitative data collection approach, analyzing it to achieve an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon by distributing closed questionnaires to 56 respondents. Prior to analysis, the validity and reliability of all instruments are tested. The verified and reliable information is then further analyzed using the t-test correlation test. The objective of this research is to comprehend the influence of work motivation and work discipline on individual employees. The primary objective is to assess the impact of work motivation and overall work discipline on employee performance through F-test analysis. There is a significant correlation coefficient of 0.419 between work motivation and employee performance. Similarly, there is a significant correlation coefficient of 0.324 indicating a strong influence of work discipline on employee performance.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>employee performance, work motivation, work discipline</em></p> 2024-04-30T08:11:10+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Monica Nauli Chrissensia, Netty Laura S, Jonny Siagian The Relationship Of Compensation And Motivation To Employee Performance At PT. KB Finansia Multi Finance Bandengan Jakarta Utara Branch 2024-09-07T08:04:13+00:00 Mario Rivaldo mario Suzanna Josephine LTobing Rutman L.Toruan <p><em>In this age of globalization, trustworthy human resources are essential. In order to accomplish their objectives, businesses constantly look for resources that can work efficiently and effectively. Human resources that are both competent and perform well can be a boon to a company's bottom line, while those that are neither can lead to financial disaster. An approach based on quantitative methods is employed. The foundation of this rests on statistical studies and data collected from a specific demographic. Asking people specific questions is the backbone of the quantitative approach, which aims to verify hypotheses through data collection. With 42 participants, 42 degrees of autonomy, and a t-table and a signifance level 0f 0.005, the results for the two-way test are 2.018. Following from the previous summary, We can a meaningful association between compensation employee performance because the t-count (5.431) is larger than the t-table (2.018) and the sig value (0.000) is less than 0.05. Therefore, we reject Ho and accept Ha. With a total sample size of 42, a degree of autonomy (db) of 42 for two-way weighing, and a significance level of 0.05, we get the following t-table: 2.018. According to the summary, the t-count (4.688) is higher the t-table (2.018), and the sig value (0.001) is less than 0.05. Therefore, can reject Ho and accept Ha, indicating a significant relationship between employee motivation and job performance. Compensation should be based on what employees deserve if the company wants to see improved performance from its employees. Giving out awards to deserving employees is another way for the company to boost performance; it makes them feel appreciated, which in turn motivates them to work harder.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Compensation, Motivation, Employee Performance</em></strong></p> 2024-04-30T08:33:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mario Rivaldo mario, Suzanna Josephine LTobing, Rutman L.Toruan