COOPERATIVE CLINIC and SME is intended as a forum for consultation and mentoring activities for Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tangerang City. COOPERATIVE CLINICS and SMEs are made on the proposal procedurally through consultation and submission to the local government through the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs Tangerang City. COOPERATIVE CLINICS AND SMEs in line with the Tangerang City Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2014-2018 where the realization through the establishment and development of empowerment sector of Cooperatives and SMEs in supporting local economic activities based on local resources. This is done as a government effort in increasing economic growth, employment, and increasing people's purchasing power by strengthening synergy among regional economic sectors. CLINIC COOPERATION and SMEs are under the control of the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs Tangerang City. CLINIC COOPERATION and SMEs at least can overcome some classic problems such as: capital access problems, management problems, product quality problems, limited access to markets, the ability of human resources and institutional cooperatives and SMEs, cooperative and SME partnership patterns with large businesses, the role and capacity of cooperatives and SMEs have not been optimal, and have not memdainya access cooperatives and SMEs to productive resources. CLINIC COOPERATION and SMEs attached and become the work program of Cooperatives and SMEs Tangerang City. To run CLINIC COOPERATIVES and SMEs, the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs can form a TEAM represented by elements of the Office, cooperative practitioners, academics and communities that meet the required criteria. Working mechanism that has been prepared can be run by TIM through Decree (SK) Head of Department of Cooperatives and UMKM. To carry out its activities the Dinas Koperasi and UMKM need to facilitate the building or work space, then the cost incurred from this activity is fully returned to the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs Tangerang City Government.
Keywords: Kopersi Clinic and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM)
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