
The Editorial Board welcomes articles and research reports on ELT that have never been published elsewhere. Your manuscript has to be sent to The writing guidelines are as follows:

  1. Manuscripts should be written in English in Micro Soft Word document (DOCX/DOC), single-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman in A4 paper (left 3 cm, right 3 cm, top 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm), 4,500-6,000 words in length including references and appendices.
  2. The manuscript can be based on a research paper, which reports interesting and relevant research, or non-research papers, which provide detailed, contextualized reports of aspects of ELT.
    1. A research article (see the Template) should consist of:
      • Title (bold typed and centered)
      • An abstract of approximately should not be  more than 200 words
      • Keywords
      • Introduction (without subtitle, containing the background of the study, a short review of literature, and statement of problem/purpose of the study)
      • Method
      • Findings and Discussion
      • Conclusion and Suggestions
      • References (only the ones used in the analysis)
      • Appendices (if any)
    2. A non-research manuscript (see the Template) should consist of:
      • Title (bold typed and centered)
      • An abstract of approximately should not be  more than 200 words
      • Keywords
      • Introduction (without subtitle, presents the background of the problem the paper addresses, limitation of the problem to discuss, and an explanation of the relevance of the paper to JET)
      • Methods (for 'Best-Evidence Review' and 'Systematic Review') which describe the data sources (e.g. bibliographic databases), search terms and search strategies, selection criteria (inclusion/exclusion of studies), the number of studies screened, and the number of studies included, and statistical methods of meta-analysis.
      • Finding and Discussion
      • Conclusion and Suggestions
      • References (only the ones used in the analysis)
      • Appendices (if any)
  3. To facilitate the blind review process, the author's name, affiliation, and email address should appear only on a cover sheet, not on the title.
  4. All manuscript should conform to the APA Style Manual
  5. Peer reviewers will review articles. The editors reserve the right to edit the article for format consistency without altering the substance.
  6. Manuscripts should be sent in Microsoft Word format through Make a Submission 
  7. JET only provides online publication.
  8. Contributors whose articles are rejected would get written information. The rejected article would not be sent back unless it is requested by the contributor.
  9. Contributors should consult the current Guide for contributors before submitting articles, as this contains important information about the focus and format of articles. Articles not submitted following the Guide will not be considered for publication. Any questions regarding submission guidelines, or more detailed inquiries about less common citation styles, may be addressed to the Editorial Board. See our website:

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