The Application of Storytelling: A Solution to Overcome the Students' Speaking Problem


  • Clara Resta Gihonita Sitorus SMK Bhakti, Jakarta



The main objective of this research is to improve the tenth graders’ speaking skill through
storytelling technique at SMK Bhakti. This research is a two-cycle-process of classroom action
research. The subject of the research was the students of tenth graders at SMK Bhakti-2. There
were 20 students (12 males and 8 females). The instruments were the test, observation, interview,
and diary notes. The result indicated that there was significant improvement of students’ scores
in the Pre-test to Post-test II. The mean of students’ Pre-test scores was 48.20, and 63.30 for
Post-test I. On the contrary, it was 77.70 in Post-test II. It was supported by interview, diary
notes, and observation showing that there was students’ interest in learning through the
implementation of storytelling. It, therefore, is suggested for English teachers to make use of the
technique to actively encourage and increase the students’s positive learning attitude towards
speaking English.
Keywords: storytelling technique, action research, speaking skill


