University Students’ Perceptions on Note-Taking and Its Impact on Academic Performance

  • Nakhon Kitjaroonchai Asia-Pacific International University
  • Prema Marshall Asia-Pacific International University
  • Jirapa Phasook Asia-Pacific International University
  • Nadtawadee Thararuenroeng Asia-Pacific International University
Keywords: Academic achievement, note-taking, perception on note-taking, university students.


This study investigated university students’ perceptions of note-taking and its potential impact on academic performance, as well as the factors influencing their note-taking decisions. The participants included 150 students, comprising 75 Thai and 75 non-Thai students enrolled at Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand, during the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. The research instrument was a survey questionnaire featuring a five-point Likert scale and an open-ended question to assess students' perceptions of the relationship between note-taking and academic performance, along with the factors affecting their note-taking decisions. The results indicated a widespread belief in the effectiveness of note-taking among participants, suggesting a consensus on its positive role in academic achievement. Additionally, the open-ended responses revealed perceived benefits of note-taking for memory enhancement, improved comprehension, academic achievement, and content simplification. This study highlights the need for further exploration of the nuanced factors influencing student academic success.


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