A ‘Vingerklip’ View on Academic Writing among Masters’ Degree Students: A Case of Research Proposals in the University of Namibia
Studying towards a postgraduate qualification is viewed as a booster that may usher employees towards management positions. We have found common mistakes in research proposals for masters’ degree students in a department at the University of Namibia. Our presentation shows the shortcomings in the research proposals of postgraduate students and proposes interventions to address the challenges. We collected qualitative data through the observations of nine (9) Master of Education research proposals, which were conveniently selected. Our analysis showed shortcomings in research proposals submitted to the Department of Education at the University of Namibia. Moreover, there is a need for the introduction of a writing unit at the university to supply writing services such as academic writing, proof reading and editing. We recommend that regular practical training is offered on effective academic writing to postgraduate students. We also show the need for postgraduate students to be oriented towards the plagiarism policy and referencing style of the university. This calls for the re-thinking of ways that enable effective postgraduate student supervision, which may address the quality of student research output.
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