Cross Cultural Understanding and English Language Skills Development of Indonesian Students Studying Abroad
(A Narrative Inquiry Research of Undergraduate Students in University of Padua, Italy)
Studying abroad in general is beneficial academically, socially, and linguistically for students. This qualitative study is using narrative inquiry to uncover personal experiences of three Indonesian undergraduate students as they sail to study abroad through IISMA to the University of Padua, Italy in 2021. The experiences and meaning the students develop are discussed through interviews and personal notes. The data is categorized based on the research questions about what and how the experiences of study abroad influence cross-cultural understanding and English skills development. Before departing, aiming to study abroad and the preparation is the most critical. Meanwhile, during the program, cultural and academic obstacles is inevitable. Upon returning to Indonesia, students developed a stronger sense of self-confidence to pursue another degree and career advancement. This study concludes that individual narratives is an important tool to empower the learning process for students studying abroad.
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