Students’ L2 Writing Motivation and Self-Efficacy: A Case of Quality-Oriented Writing for Publication
A growing body of research has investigated students’ perceptions on corrective feedback in relation with their emotional state as well as satisfaction in writing, but few studies have considered students’ writing motivation and self-efficacy upon receiving corrective feedback on the same writing section of their scholarly manuscript. In this article, students’ perception of corrective feedback in relation with their writing motivation which in turn affects their writing self-efficacy are explored in the context of a scholarly article writing project. Drawing upon mixed qualitative studies of case study and auto-ethnography, learning portfolios and diaries were collected from three graduate students majoring in English Education Department, and were analyzed using open coding. The findings showed that students’ writing motivation and self-efficacy in the first attempts of writing scholarly articles to be optimistic and highly motivated. However, as the students received multiple major revisions on their introduction section of their article over a certain period of time, their writing motivation and self-efficacy declined significantly. Upon successfully meeting the instructor’s expectations on proper academic writing, some of the students’ writing motivation and self-efficacy seemed to incline back to its former state.
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