Jerango (Acorus calamus L.) or also known as the sweet flag is a species in the Acoraceae which used as medicine. This article aims to reveal the relationship of secondary metabolites contained of the A. calamus with its use as a cure for cancer and anti microbial. This article is based on offline and online media literature. Offline literature used the books, whereas online media used Web, Scopus, Pubmed, and scientific journals. Acorus calamus is an aromatic plant containing the essential oils, especially asarone. The local community Indonesian has long been exploited the Acorus calamus to cure fever, malnutrition, and postpartum mothers. The essential oil of the A. calamus inhibits of microbial growth (bacteria, fungi and yeasts) and inhibits cell growth. The A. calamus is potentially developed as a cancer drug, but its toxicity needs to be further investigated.
Key Words: Acorus calamus, asaron, anti cancer, anti microbial.
Jerango (Acorus calamus L.) atau yang dikenal juga sebagai sweet flag merupakan salah jenis dalam famili Acoraceae yang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan hubungan metabolit sekunder yang dikandung A. calamus denga pemanfaatannya sebagai obat kanker dan anti mikroba. This article is based on literature offline and online media. Offline literature used the books, whereas online media used Web, Scopus, Pubmed, and scientific journals. Acorus calamus merupakan tumbuhan aromatik yang mengandung essensial oil, khususnya asaron. Masyarakat lokal Indonesia Acorus calamus telah lama dimanfaatkan masyarakat lokal Indonesia sebagai obat demam, malnutrisi dan obat ibu pasca melahirkan. Essensial oil A. calamus menghambat pertumbuhan mikroba (bakteri, jamur dan khamir) dan menghambat pertumbuhan sel. Acorus calamus sangat potensial dikembangkan sebagai obat kanker, namun toksisitasnya perlu diteliti lebih lanjut.
Kata Kunci: Acorus calamus, asaron, anti kanker, anti mikroba
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