submission guidelines
Author Guidelines EditEdit Author Guidelines
1. The article must use Chicago reference style
2. The article length is between 10 pages to 20 pages A4 pages
3. The article's font is Times New Roman
4. The abstract must be in Bahasa Indonesia and English
5. Please download the article template and attach Turnitin Digital Receipt together with your article submission English
6. Create your account to upload the article in SUBMISSION
7. All articles will undergo three phases: preliminary, review and publication. Please click [Link] to access the work flow of articles in Jurnal Asia Pacific Studies.
In preliminary phase, submitted articles will be evaluated according to its scope, content, and format as well as originality (plagiarism check).
If the articles passed preliminary phase, editors will select reviewers with the principle of anonymity to maintain honest and fair judgement. Based on reviewer's assessment, editors will decide whether the articles will be rejected, accepted without revision or accepted with revision.
The articles will be further to publication phase once the articles were revised. Then the editors will select copyeditor to gain copyeditor's assessment. Publication is secured once the articles were revised according to copyeditor's assessment