Resiliensi dan Post Traumatic Growth Mahasiswa Korban Kekerasan dalam Pacaran
This literature review aims to expand existing research on resilience and post-traumatic growth in student victims of dating violence. Research on resilience and post-traumatic growth in student victims of dating violence is still limited, therefore there is a need to understand the role of resilience and post-traumatic growth in student victims of dating violence. The conclusion obtained from this literature search is that in order to overcome the experience of dating violence, students need to activate psychological attributes, namely resilience and post-traumatic growth. It is known that a high resilience score enables students who are victims of dating violence to overcome various negative emotions so that they remain stable when facing stressful conditions, are able to plan, carry out plans that have been prepared, and decide what actions will be taken to overcome the difficult situations they are experiencing. . It is also known that students who are victims of dating violence are able to show positive changes in their lives after traumatic events (post-traumatic growth), such as being able to face traumatic events, being able to rebuild a more focused and better life, and being able to reflect on themselves as well as a new life. The conclusion from this literature review is that resilience has a positive role in post-traumatic growth where resilience is a protective factor in the formation of post-traumatic growth and an optimal level of resilience will encourage post-traumatic growth in student victims of dating violence.
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