Latihan Yoga Saat Haid untuk Mengatasi Nyeri Dymenorrhea Solusi untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Remaja Putri
Yoga during menstruation is an activity of providing yoga movement exercises in reducing or overcoming menstrual pain. The target of this dedication is class 6 students at SDN 02 and SDN 05 Marunda. The purpose of this program is to provide yoga movement training to students at SDN 02 and SDN 05 Marunda class 6 about yoga during menstruation, providing knowledge about how to do yoga movements to deal with menstrual pain. According to the results of a previous study in March–August 2021 concerning the effect of yoga on dysmenorrhea during menstruation, 60% of students at SDN 05 and SDN 02 Marunda Class 6 experienced pain during menstruation. The results of the study found that yoga movements during menstruation were proven to reduce dysmenorrhea during menstruation. Therefore, it is important to do yoga training during menstruation to reduce the intensity and duration of pain, which can interfere with activities, especially learning activities. The implementation of yoga movement exercises is carried out offline and in stages, namely the first stage for students of SDN 02 class 6 and the next stage for students of SDN 05 Marunda class 6. Yoga training is given by certified yoga instructors and carried out by strictly implementing the COVID-19 health protocol. To evaluate the effectiveness of the activity, Grade 6 elementary school students were asked to repeat yoga movements during menstruation, and afterward, Grade 6 elementary school students were provided with yoga videos so they could repeat the yoga movements at home and strengthen their memory of the yoga movements so they could do them properly and correctly. The provision of yoga training is expected to reduce or overcome pain when experiencing menstruation, so that the quality of life of young women will increase.
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