Penggambaran Perempuan dalam Tayangan Suara Hati Istri pada Program TV Indosiar di Aplikasi Vidio)

  • Ridini Batmaro Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Keywords: Key words: image of women, patriarchy, household.



This article was written by researchers with the aim of analyzing the depiction of women in the Suara Hati Istri broadcast which is available on the Indosiar TV station. Women in the drama Suara Hati Istri are always depicted as weak, unappreciated, always looked down upon, must obey their husband's authority and must not go against what their husband says. Husbands always do what is beneficial for them personally without involving women/wives in their lives. In the show Suara Hati Istri, the couple's household in the drama still strongly depicts the concept of patriarchy, where the man is considered to be the head of the household who manages everything, and family members must follow these rules. This research uses the theories of Saussure and Roland Barthes. Barthes put forward semiotic theory. This theory studies how signs in a culture can be arranged in a certain code. signs are tangible, can be absorbed by human sensory senses, signs can only be said to be signs when they can be interpreted. Saussure divided signs into 2, namely signifier (signifier) ​​and signified (signified). Saussure focused more on the complex way in which sentences are formed and how sentence forms form meaning. The research method used by the researcher is a critical paradigm with a qualitative approach where the researcher uses primary data in the form of thumbnails of each drama broadcast on the video application. The conclusions in this research describe women who are always looked down on by their husbands, women who live in a household with a strong concept of patriarchy, where these women/wives live with full pressure and their daily lives are always filled with tears. The concept of patriarchy is formed by societal stigma where men are considered to have authority, authority, must be obeyed, and have power in the family, which indirectly makes men free to apply the concept of patriarchy.

Key words: image of women, patriarchy, household.


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How to Cite
Batmaro, R. (2024). Penggambaran Perempuan dalam Tayangan Suara Hati Istri pada Program TV Indosiar di Aplikasi Vidio). Jurnal Inada: Kajian Perempuan Indonesia Di Daerah Tertinggal, Terdepan, Dan Terluar, 7(1).