Analisis Budaya Patriarki dalam Partisipasi Politik Perempuan: Studi Kasus Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Tahun 2005-2020 di Kota Depok
Patriarchal culture creates gender stereotypes, limited access to political networks, and a social stigma for women who want to be involved in political activities. The gender gap is also evident in political representation where women hold a smaller percentage of political positions than men. The city of Depok, as a buffer zone for the capital city, is still thick with this culture, as evidenced by the minimal participation of women in regional elections from year to year. This study will analyze the obstacles to women's political participation in Indonesia caused by patriarchal culture. The case study used is the 2005-2020 Pilkada in Depok City. This research is a qualitative - explanatory research using observation and literature studies to find a deeper understanding of the problems being faced. This study uses three main theories, namely the theory of patriarchy, political participation, and gender stereotypes. From the data that has been analyzed, the main cause of the low political participation of women in the Pilkada in Depok City from 2005-2020 is the strong patriarchal culture. Several factors cause the patriarchal culture to continue to develop in Depok City, namely gender stereotypes, low political education, double burden, and weak political party support for women during elections. This study recommends policy interventions in efforts to increase the level of education for women such as increasing women's representation in political parties, increasing the level of education for women, and empowering women in various sectors such as entrepreneurship, health, and so on to eliminate patriarchal culture and increase women's political participation in Indonesia.
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