Penyuluhan Peningkatan Spiritualitas Anak Usia Dini Dan Mentalitas Gemilang Bagi Warga Jakarta Utara
The community service program in the Tambora area, North Jakarta, located under the highway, is an effort by Christian University of Indonesia (UKI) to respond to significant challenges related to the quality of life and development of early childhood children in the area. The local community, mostly consisting of families with weak economic conditions and limited access to education, faces various health problems due to inadequate environmental conditions, including skin diseases and respiratory issues exacerbated by pollution. This program, as an implementation of the Christian Religious Education Course and part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, is designed to enhance the spirituality and mentality of children in the community. The methods used involve in-depth needs analysis through surveys, interviews, and observations to understand the challenges faced by the community. Based on these findings, relevant and contextual teaching materials are prepared, focusing on strengthening the spirituality of children through educational and creative activities aligned with religious values. The program also emphasizes the development of mental resilience through psychological techniques designed to cope with difficult situations. The results of the program show that through active interaction between UKI students and the local community, there is an increased understanding and deeper daily practice related to faith and health values. This program not only positively impacts the local community but also strengthens the relationship between the university and the community, providing valuable practical experience for students in fulfilling their roles as agents of social change.
Alya Malika Fahdini, dkk., Urgensi Pendidikan Karakter dalam Mengatasi Krisis Moral di Kalangan Siswa, Volume 5 Nomor 3 (2021): 9390- 9394.
Promosi Kesehatan, Tim Hukum dan Humas - RSUP dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten,
Viral Ada Permukiman di Kolong Tol.
Yusuf Efendi, Metode Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, (Jember: ANGGOTA IKAPI & APTTI, 2021), 6.
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