EduMatSains : Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains
<p><strong>Edumatsains : Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains (2527-7235)</strong> is an open-access peer-reviewed research journal that is published by the Faculty of Teaching and Education of Universitas Kristen Indonesia (FKIP-UKI). <strong>Edumatsains : Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains</strong> is providing a platform that welcomes and acknowledges empirical original research papers about mathematics education, physics education, chemical education, biological education and also includes research in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. written by researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners.</p> <p><strong>Edumatsains : Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains (2527-7235)</strong> is a scientific journal published online by twice a year (in July and January). <strong>Edumatsains : Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains</strong> have been indexed by Copernicus, Google Scholar, Garuda Portal, Base, Dimension and Sinta-4.</p> <div style="float: left; margin-right: 1em;"> </div>Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesiaen-USEduMatSains : Jurnal Pendidikan, Matematika dan Sains2527-7642Development of Interactive Learning Videos to Improve Students' Mathematical Literacy Skills
<p>Mathematical literacy skills are very necessary for facing the challenges of the 21st century. Developing learning videos that link mathematical material to its implementation in everyday life. This research aims to: 1) develop interactive video learning media toimprove students' mathematical literacyskills; 2) determinethe feasibility of learningvideo media based onexperts and students; and 3) determine the effectiveness of interactive learning videos in improving students' mathematical literacy skills. This research uses a typeof research and development(R&D) that was developed using the modified ASSUREmodel by only applying four of the six development steps, namely: 1)analysing; 2)statingobjectives; 3) selecting methods, media, and materials; and 4)utilising media. The results of the research are: 1)The media developed is an interactive learning video to improve students' mathematical literacy skills, which can be accessed at and SpSZd-l0tjIegH_e. 2)The validation results of the media experts developed were 91.25% in the very good category; 3)the media material validation results were 91.25% in the very good category; 4)students' mathematical literacy skills increased in the medium category with an N-Gain value of 0.61. Thus, interactive learning videos are suitable to be used to improve students' mathematical literacy skills.</p>Ahmad Farham MajidAshar MubarakArni AuliaResa YuliantiKhairullah Irsyad Saleh
Copyright (c) 2025 Ashar Mubarak
2025-01-312025-01-319211210.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.5924Exploration of Learners' Creative Thinking in Applying the Concept of Division in Class VII Junior High School
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to describe the creative thinking ability of seventh grade junior high school students in applying the concept of division and identify the factors that cause creative thinking difficulties in that context. This research is based on the importance of understanding mathematical concepts, where creative thinking becomes the foundation in helping students overcome difficulties in understanding the concept of division. The method used was qualitative with an explorative approach. Participants were selected using a purposive sampling technique, focusing on learners who were considered to be able to provide in-depth insights into their creative thinking abilities and the difficulties they faced. The results showed that learners were generally able to generate ideas quickly (fluency) and connect concepts with solutions in a relevant manner, although there were some ideas that were less relevant. Most learners also show flexibility by using various methods in solving problems, but there are some who tend to use only one method. In terms of originality, unique and structured ideas were found, although some were less structured or unable to develop ideas completely. In terms of elaboration, some learners were able to detail ideas well, while others showed weaknesses in detailing and developing ideas. Factors that cause creative thinking difficulties include lack of understanding of basic concepts, limitations in connecting prior knowledge, lack of practice and time, low level of confidence, lack of practice in working on open-ended problems, learning methods that do not support creativity, and lack of motivation.</p>Wilda YantiSugiatnoEvi Noviani
Copyright (c) 2025 Wilda Yanti, Sugianto, Evi Noviani
2025-01-312025-01-3192132710.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6186College Students’ Satisfaction on Digital-based Learning Evaluation Course in Elementary Education Program
<p>In today's digital era, higher education faces new challenges and opportunities, especially in terms of integrating technology in the teaching and learning process. The digital-based learning evaluation course is one form of adaptation to this change. This course is designed to equip students with skills in evaluating and managing learning that utilizes digital technology. Student satisfaction is an important indicator in assessing the effectiveness of this course. This study aims to determine student satisfaction with learning for the Digital-Based Learning Evaluation course in the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program. This research was conducted using a survey method through giving a questionnaire with a total of 100 respondents who took this course. The questionnaire was given through google form with a total of 18 statements. The data were analyzed descriptively by presenting the acquisition of each aspect of satisfaction. The results show that student satisfaction is in a very high category, namely in the aspect of learning planning at 89.88%, the aspect of teaching ability of lecturers at 90.33% and the use of technology in learning at 86.37%. Thus, the learning process of the Digital-Based Learning Evaluation course has a significant effect on student satisfaction both in terms of lecturer planning and the form of technology used.</p>Dina AmsariSalmaini Safitri SyamFadila SucianaEtri Wahyuni
Copyright (c) 2025 Dina Amsari
2025-01-312025-01-3192284210.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6202Scientific Academic Writing Skills Among University Students: Results from a Self-Assessment Survey
<p>This qualitative descriptive study provides a comprehensive profile of scientific academic writing skills among university students enrolled in mathematics education and primary school teacher education programs. Using a self-assessment survey, 110 students evaluated their proficiency across various dimensions of scientific writing, including clarity and coherence, organization of scientific arguments, use of scientific terminology, citation and referencing, critical evaluation of literature, and independent thinking. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement in students' writing skills. The findings revealed that students generally feel confident in their ability to construct clear academic paragraphs and use appropriate vocabulary and tone, but struggle with higher-order writing tasks such as synthesizing information from multiple sources and organizing extended scientific texts. Many students also expressed difficulties in applying proper citation and referencing styles, particularly APA format. Key strengths identified in the study include competence in basic grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure, while notable weaknesses were found in areas such as critical evaluation, organizing complex arguments, and correct application of citation conventions. These results suggest a need for targeted instructional interventions to help students develop the advanced scientific writing skills necessary for academic success. The study's findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on improving scientific academic writing pedagogy, offering insights for educators to better support students in mastering these critical skills.</p>Lussy Midani RizkiStevi NataliaNurafniSuparmanDarhim KusumahYaya S. KusumahDadang Juandi
Copyright (c) 2025 Lussy Midani Rizki
2025-01-312025-01-3192435410.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6355Analysis of the Mathematical Concept Understanding Ability of VII Grade Junior High School Students
<p>This study aims to analyze the mathematical concept understanding ability of seventh grade students at SMP Swasta Bhayangkari 3 Rantauprapat regarding the topic of two-dimensional quadrilaterals. The assessment of concept understanding focuses on determining the extent of students' abilities in solving problems related to mathematical concepts, using the following indicators: Understanding mathematical concepts includes the ability to define a concept both verbally and in writing, group objects based on certain properties, provide examples and counter-examples of a concept, present the concept in various forms of representation, and apply concepts or algorithms to solve problems. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, involving 24 students as research subjects. Data were collected through a concept understanding test consisting of 5 questions related to two-dimensional quadrilaterals. The results indicate that 8 students, or 33.3%, are categorized as having high understanding, 12 students, or 50%, are in the moderate category, and 4 students, or 16.6%, fall into the low category. Thus, the mathematical concept understanding ability of the students is considered to be quite good. The research results show that students' understanding of mathematical concepts still needs to be improved, especially in the ability to explain concepts, clarify the nature of objects, and present concepts in various representations.</p>Tuti Alawiyah Prastiwi DamanikEva JulyantiLaili Habibah Pasaribu
Copyright (c) 2025 Tuti Damanik
<p>This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of YouTube on student learning activeness and performance in class VIII MTS Tarbiyah Islamiyah Ulumahuam students. This activity was carried out offline. The research subjects were MTS Tarbiyah Islamiyah Ulumahuam students and the sample used amounted to 50 students where 25 participants for the experimental class and 25 participants for the control class. The instrument used is a questionnaire of student activeness and learning performance using YouTube as media and documentation. The analysis techniques used are Normality, Homogeneity, and Hypothesis tests. Based on the results of the research conducted, there is an effect of YouTube on the activeness and performance of student learning with a learning model using YouTube seen from the average value of the questionnaire of student learning activeness and performance, namely with a significant value of 0.000. For hypothesis testing using one-way anova test with significant results of 0.000</p> <p> </p>NurjannahLaili Habibah PasaribuSakinah Ubudiyah Siregar
Copyright (c) 2025 Nurjannah iswanto
2025-01-312025-01-3192667610.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6399Level of Students Geometry Thinking on quadrilateral topic
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Quadrilateral is one of the geometry topics in the curriculum, and students at junior high school must understand the topic. Therefore, we researched 40 students (11/13 years) in Kambera District, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, to identify and describe students' geometric thinking levels. The research is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques and is a written test for the quadrilateral case. The data were analyzed using van Hiele's theory. The results showed that 1) only one-third of the students are at level 0 (visualization), i.e., students knew geometric pictures by observing the images or models. At this level, half of the students still need to improve in classifying the types of quadrilaterals, and 2) only a few students are at level 1. They can understand or know the properties of quadrilaterals. The written results found that almost all students needed help understanding the topic of quadrilaterals and their properties well. Nearly all students have yet to be able to recognize and classify the types of quadrilaterals well.</p>Mayun Nggaba
Copyright (c) 2025 Mayun Nggaba
2025-01-312025-01-3192778910.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6411The Relationship Between the Philosophy of Mathematics and Culture-Based Learning Models
<p>Philosophy and mathematics have a relationship in the teaching of mathematics, which can be seen in the mathematics learning models, especially those based on constructivism and culture. The purpose of this study is to provide an in-depth review of the philosophy of mathematics, the mathematics learning model reviewed from the perspective of educational philosophy, as well as to examine various references related to philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophy of mathematics, mathematics learning models related to philosophy, and the philosophy of mathematics in relation to culture-based learning models. Data collection techniques use secondary data from books, articles, or other reading materials that support this research. This research method is a literature study with a qualitative approach. The data analysis technique emphasizes references or literature from various studies on philosophy, philosophy of education, philosophy of mathematics, mathematics learning models related to philosophy, and the philosophy of mathematics related to culture-based learning models. The results of the discussion in this paper conclude that: 1) The philosophy of mathematics has a significant influence on mathematics learning; 2) The integration of culture into the learning model greatly supports the learning process, making it more engaging, sparking students' interest in learning, improving mathematical abilities, increasing students' motivation to learn, and making learning more practical, effective, and efficient. The usefulness of this research for others is to provide information and knowledge related to the philosophy of mathematics to culture-based mathematics learning models.</p>Lois Tambunan
Copyright (c) 2025 Lois Tambunan
2025-01-312025-01-31929010110.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6429The influence of the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model on students' thinking abilities
<p>This ponder points to analyze the impact of the jigsaw sort agreeable learning show on students' basic considering abilities, and see how colossal and positive or negative the impact that happens between the two factors. This investigate employments a quantitative approach strategy of genuine test sort. by utilizing the Pretest-Posttest Control Gather Plan investigate plan. The populace of this think about was all lesson VIII MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah comprising of 2 classes totaling 55 understudies. The test utilized was lesson VIII-b as numerous as 30 understudies. the testing procedure utilized was arbitrary testing strategy. Information were collected through test questions on SPLDV fabric a few time as of late and after treatment of the jigsaw learning show. The information were analyzed utilizing parametric truthful tests, to be particular essential straight relapse tests with SPSS 22.0 The comes approximately of the examination appeared that the Sig.2 (2-tailed) esteem was 0.040 and 0.040 < 0.05, meaning that there was a noteworthy impact between variable X and variable Y, to be particular the impact of the jigsaw learning show on students' basic considering capacities. </p>anissa khairiyahLaili Habibah PasaribuLily Rohanita Hasibuan
Copyright (c) 2025 anissa khairiyah
2025-01-312025-01-319210211110.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6460Increasing Students' Critical Thinking Ability with the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Learning Model
<table width="641"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="464"> <p><em>This inquire about points to survey the affect of executing the Groups Recreations Competition learning demonstrate on numerical issue fathoming abilities in lesson VII understudies at MTs Tarbiyah Islamiyah Ulumahuam. Employing a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental inquire about plan of the One Gather Pretest-Posttest sort, this inquire about included 27 understudies as a test from the lesson VII populace. Based on information investigation, the normal pretest score gotten was 38.00, whereas in treatment, the posttest score experienced a critical increment with an normal of 85.33. The measurable test comes about appear a t-count esteem of 5.55 which is more noteworthy than the t-table of 2.04 at a importance level of 0.01, expressing that there's a critical impact of the TGT demonstrate on students' numerical issue understanding capacities. The application of the TGT show has demonstrated to be successful in moving forward students' capacities since it can increment center, imagination and collaboration in fathoming scientific issues. By utilizing this model, understudies are more effectively included within the learning prepare, which closes in a significant increment in science learning results. </em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability, Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Model.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>intan syafirah
Copyright (c) 2025 intan syafirah
<p>Survival analysis is a statistical technique used to study survival related to time, starting from the initial time of the study that has been determined until the end time of the study, therefore the purpose of this study was to determine the equation of the Weibull regression model of the clinical condition of patients with diabetes mellitus at the Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan and what factors affect the rate of recovery of the clinical condition of patients with diabetes mellitus. The type of research used in this paper is Applied Research, from data collection and analysis, the results are obtained based on the Kaplan-Meier curve, visually it can be seen that the longer the coronary heart disease patient recovers (t). the less likely they are not to recover until time t. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the Weibull distribution, which describes the survival time of patients with diabetes mellitus. The partial test results indicate that the variables of gender, age, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and complications significantly impact the model. The following is how the Weibull regression model for the recovery time data of patients with diabetes mellitus was acquired for this study:</p> <p>S (t|x) = exp (-exp (1.42219+ (-0.01018)x1 + 0.03942x2 <br>+ (-0.02976)x3 + (-0.01887)x4 ) t ) α</p>Widya Wahyu CahyaniFibri Rakhmawati
Copyright (c) 2025 Widya Wahyu Cahyani
2025-01-312025-01-319211913110.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6490Prediction of Monthly Rainfall using Fuzzy Logic Tsukamoto in Medan Belawan
<p>Rainfall prediction plays an important role in understanding the pattern of rainfall movement for daily life. This research aims to predict monthly rainfall in Medan Belawan using the Tsukamoto fuzzy logic method. Tsukamoto fuzzy logic is used to predict monthly rainfall in Medan Belawan. This method uses several steps, starting from data input, fuzzification, inference, to defuzzification to help predict rainfall. This research aims to apply Tsukamoto fuzzy logic to monthly rainfall prediction. Fuzzy logic has tolerance for imprecise data. This rainfall prediction uses 4 (four) input variables, namely air temperature, air humidity, air pressure and wind speed, and 1 (one) output variable, namely rainfall as a crips value which is the output generated for rainfall prediction. The data used is 12 monthly data from January 2023 to December 2023. The results show the accuracy of the fuzzy method of 57.75% using the MAPE calculation and show that the calculation of the Tsukamoto fuzzy method is sufficient or feasible to do.</p>Dian Aulia ZulfaHendra Cipta
Copyright (c) 2025 Dian Aulia Zulfa
2025-01-312025-01-319213214710.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6499Implementation Of Dynamic Program In Determining The Optimum Path In The Distribution Of Pertamina Chemical & Agrochemical Lubricating Oil With Forward Recursive Equation PT.Pola Raya Jaya Sakti
<p> Pola Raya Jaya Sakti is a company engaged in the distribution of Pertamina Kimia & Agrochemical Lubricants. In its operations, this company is faced with the challenge of determining the optimum route in the lubricant oil distribution process in order to optimize production efficiency and reduce production costs. Based on research using a dynamic program with a Forward Recursive Equation, namely A → C → D → E → H → I → K → L → N → O → Q → R → S, where the sequence of locations is Jln. Sampali Road No 151 → Jln. Kesuma → Jln.Letda Sujono → Jln. Padang → Jln. Panglima Denai → Flyover Amplas → Tanjung Morawa → Lubuk Pakam → Tebing Tinggi → Ring Road Lima Puluh → Jln.Perintis Kemerdekaaan → Simpang Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus KEK Sei Mangkei → PT. Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia. The total distance is A+ C + E + H + I + L + N + O + Q + R = 0 + 8.5 km + 7.3 km + 4.4 km + 13 km + 70 km + 50 km + 16 km + 9.5 km+ 3 km = 181.7 km.</p>Uswatun Hasanah NasutionFibri Rakhmawati
Copyright (c) 2025 Uswatun Hasanah Nasution, Fibri Rakhmawati
<p>This study aims to determine the mathematical reprentation ability of students in class VIII MTs. Swasta Al-Ittihas Aek-Nabara. The research subjects were students of MTs. Swasta Al-Ittihas Aek-Nabara and the sample used amounted to 25 students. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative with tests and interviews as a research data collection technique. Data analysis techniques used in the study consisted of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the mathematical representation ability of class VIII students in the school on the material of the system of linear equations of two variables was in the low category</p>Widya HataryLily Rohanita HasibuanAmin Harahap
Copyright (c) 2025 Widya
2025-01-312025-01-319215916910.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6405STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Instructional Analysis Towards Learning Competencies Achievement as Reviewed from Vocational Education Students’ Critical Thinking
<p>A proper instructional process is a process that is designed to meet the expected educational goals; hence, an innovative strategy in the learning process is required. One of the instructional models appropriate for use in teaching vocational lesson material is the STEM model. The aim of this study was to analyze the level of usefulness of the STEM model on the learning competencies achievement of vocational students’ in Kupang as reviewed from their critical thinking, with a focus on the materials about automotive engine components maintenance and reparation. The method of this study was a pre-experimental in the form of one group pretest post-test. The subjects studied were twenty-six Light Vehicle Engineering students of Class X Group B of 2022/2023. The data collection techniques used in this study were documentation and 20-question item test sheets implemented in the pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed with a T-test using SPSS version 29. The descriptive test results showed a significant difference between the means of tests, which was of 23% proving that the STEM model significantly improved students' critical thinking skills. Therefore, it is recommended that the STEM approach be used as an alternative model for teaching engineering subjects.</p>Wofrid Erlista BianomeEdy SupraptoFahrizalBasri KPriyonoSealtial Mau
Copyright (c) 2025 Wofrid Erlista Bianome, Edy Suprapto, Fahrizal, Basri K, Priyono, Sealtial Mau
2025-01-312025-01-319217017910.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.5943Application of Tahani Fuzzy Logic in Participant Selection for ONMIPA PT: A Case Study at Institut Teknologi Del
<p>This study investigates the preparation of students for the National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for Higher Education (ONMIPA PT), focusing on the selection process at Institut Teknologi Del (IT Del). The research applies the Tahani fuzzy logic method to select students who demonstrate potential across various mathematical disciplines such as Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, and Combinatorics. By using fuzzy logic, students' performances are categorized into three levels: less, adequate, and good. The goal is to ensure a well-rounded selection of participants who can excel in all tested areas, rather than choosing those with the highest scores in individual topics. The results demonstrate that fuzzy logic improves decision-making in selecting participants for the competition. Additionally, the study highlights the broader implications of ONMIPA PT in enhancing educational quality and fostering scientific excellence. This research contributes to the development of selection methods for academic competitions, offering insights into the application of fuzzy logic in multi-stage decision-making processes.</p>Asido SaragihJaya SantosoAna Muliyana
Copyright (c) 2025 Jaya Santoso
2025-01-312025-01-319218019110.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6273The Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Metacognitive Skills to Solve the Science Problems
<p>In creating educational objectives aligned with the Learning Compass 2030, it is essential to establish a learning environment where students feel comfortable and to apply learning strategies suited to the characteristics of the learners. The objective of this research is to map students' metacognitive skills to understand their learning strategies in solving science-related problems. This study employs a mixed-methods approach, which involves collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, integrating the two forms of data, and using diverse research designs. The quantitative data were obtained from administering metacognitive skills tests and questionnaires, while qualitative data were gathered from student interviews. The research yielded several findings: (1) expert validity results for the metacognitive skills instrument indicated it is valid, (2) trial testing of the instrument showed it to be reliable and valid, (3) the profile of students' metacognitive skills across all indicators was found to be low in three different schools, and (4) there was a high response rate. The novelty of this research lies in mapping students' metacognitive skills in three different regions after the COVID-19 pandemic.</p>Nurul Hidayah AlmubarokahTri LestariIsnawati Lujeng LestariCharles Adeputra SufardiAgustinus Michael
Copyright (c) 2025 Nurul Hidayah Almubarokah, Tri Lsetari, Isnawati Lujeng Lestari, Charles Adeputra Sufardi, Agustinus Michael
2025-01-312025-01-319219220710.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6413Concept Understanding Analysis Reviewed from Metacognition
<p>This study aims to analyze the relationship between metacognition ability and understanding of mathematical concepts of grade VII students. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, with three students selected based on their level of metacognition ability (high, medium, low). Data were collected through written tests, in-depth interviews, and observations. The analysis is carried out based on indicators of understanding mathematical concepts, such as restating concepts, classifying objects, developing concept terms, and selecting and implementing appropriate procedures. The results of the study show that students with high metacognition skills are able to understand concepts in depth, consistently, and effectively in practical application. Students with moderate metacognition skills show quite good understanding but are less consistent. Meanwhile, students with low metacognition skills experience significant difficulties in understanding and applying mathematical concepts. These findings emphasize the importance of metacognition-based learning strategies to improve students' understanding of mathematical concepts.</p>Susi Sutarni
Copyright (c) 2025 Susi Sutarni
2025-01-312025-01-319220821810.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6501Developing an Interactive E-Module Based on Flipbook for Solid Geometry
<p><em>This research aims to develop an interactive E-Module based on flipbook on solid geometry material that is valid and feasible. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D). The development research model used is the level 1 development research model from Sugiyono. The research location is at SMPN 50 East Jakarta. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results of the research are an interactive E-Module validated with an average material validation result from 2 validators with a percentage of 80% in the Feasible category, an average media validation result from 2 validators with a percentage of 91.8% in the Very Feasible category, and an average language validation result from 2 validators with a percentage of 88% in the Very Feasible category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the interactive E-Module based on flipbook on solid geometry material is valid and feasible for use in mathematics learning for seventh-grade junior high school students. Thus, it can be concluded that the interactive E-Module based on flipbook on solid geometry material is valid and feasible for use in mathematics learning for seventh-grade junior high school students.</em></p>Diva NathaniaSantri Chintia PurbaJitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan
Copyright (c) 2025 Diva Nathania, Santri Chintia Purba, Jitu Halomoan Lumbantoruan
2025-01-312025-01-319221923110.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6524Analysis of the quality of biobriquettes from salak skin with starch adhesive
<h1>This study aims to analyze the quality of biobriquettes made from salak skin with starch adhesive. Biobriquettes are one of the alternative fuel solutions that are environmentally friendly and can reduce organic waste. The analysis method used in this study is qualitative analysis. Salak fruit produces waste in the form of salak skin which is brownish and slightly prickly, then the salak seeds have a very hard texture which is black and brown. Salak seeds have a very hard texture so they are suitable as a basic ingredient for making briquettes The research method includes:the preparation stage of raw material for salak skin, carbonization stage of salak skin, adhesive material preparation stage and biobriquette quality analysis. From the research results, it can be concluded that both biobriquette samples, namely sample A (without adhesive) and sample B (with adhesive) have met the requirements of SNI No. 01-6235-2000 concerning charcoal biobriquettes.</h1>Gloria Sirait
Copyright (c) 2025 Gloria Sirait
<p>Differentiated learning emphasizes that teachers must pay attention to students' learning differences and initial abilities. It is not easy for educators to deliver lessons in classrooms where students have varying skill levels and learning styles. The use of Canva facilitates all learning styles, whether auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. The application helps students understand lessons because, in addition to text, it also includes animations, audio, images, graphics, and videos, which keep students focused during class. The aim of this research is to develop digital teaching materials based on differentiated learning using Canva for mathematics subjects. The type of research conducted is R&D development using the 4-D model, which includes 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Develop, and 4) Disseminate. Based on the analysis, the material validator test scored 82.1%, categorized as highly valid. The media validator test scored 88%, also categorized as highly valid, making the average validation test results meet the validity criteria. Additionally, the student response questionnaire regarding the digital teaching materials showed 82.9% positive responses, categorized as practical, and the evaluation test results showed that 80,44 of students achieved mastery, categorized as effective. Therefore, the digital teaching materials based on differentiated learning assisted by Canva meet the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective.</p>In Hi AbdullahDahlan WahyudiWinda Syam TonraWilda Syam TonraMuhammad Hasbi
Copyright (c) 2025 In Hi Abdullah, Dahlan Wahyudi, Winda Syam Tonra, Wilda Syam Tonra, Muhammad Hasbi
2025-01-312025-01-319224425510.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6322The Correlation Between Memory Ability on the Concept of Atomic Structure and Student Learning Outcomes on Chemical Bonding Material
<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pelajaran kimia memerlukan kemampuan daya ingat karena beberapa pelajaran kimia berkesinambungan satu dengan yang lain, meliputi ikatan kimia dan struktur atom. Kapasitas daya ingat sebagian siswa dinilai rendah dalam mengingat materi yang disampaikan, oleh karena itu perlu diketahui hubungan antara kemampuan daya ingat konsep struktur atom dengan hasil belajar siswa pada materi ikatan kimia. Lokasi penelitian di MAN 4 Kampar pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif berupa penelitian korelasional. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari siswa kelas X1 dan X2 di MAN 4 Kampar. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk penelitian kemampuan daya ingat dan hasil belajar menggunakan tes berbasis soal, angket kemampuan daya ingat, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus korelasi momen Pearson. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengumpulan data menunjukkan rhitung = 0,543 dengan nilai sig dua sisi sebesar 0,000, dan nilai rtabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% sebesar 0,316. Nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 dan nilai rhitung > nilai rtabel, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima yang berarti terdapat hubungan antara kemampuan menghafal konsep struktur atom dengan hasil belajar ikatan kimia.</span></span></p>Shasa MelianiMiterianifaIra MahartikaArif Yasthophi
Copyright (c) 2025 Shasa Meliani, Miterianifa, Ira Mahartika, Arif Yasthophi
2025-01-312025-01-319225626610.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6403Analysis of Cyanide (CN) Compounds in Gewang Fruit (Corypha utan Lamk)
<p>Plants in general are able to produce secondary metabolite compounds that act as a protector against predators. Gewang fruit is often used by the people of Kolbano Village as a natural poison to catch fish.. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cyanide (CN) compound content in gewang fruit (Corypha utan Lamk). This study uses a trimetric method. There are two types of samples used in this study, namely raw samples and dry samples. The results of the qualitative testing of the cyanide compound content in the gewang fruit on 2 (two) samples showed that the color changed from yellow to white and a precipitate was formed at the bottom of the solution when reacted with AgNO₃, which showed that the gewang fruit positively contained cyanide compounds (CN). The average cyanide content in the raw gewang fruit samples was 11.52 mg/L or 9.25%. Meanwhile, the average cyanide level in the dry samples was 18 mg/L or 17,19 %.</p>Vedy Yeriel KoyJames NgginakNovi Ivone Bullu
Copyright (c) 2025 Vedy Yeriel Koy; James Ngginak, Novi Ivone Bullu
2025-01-312025-01-319226727510.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6465Discovering Teachers' Perceptions of Inclusive Teaching in Indonesia
<p><em>Inclusive teaching is not something new in the world of Education. However, its emphasis in the Merdeka curriculum makes inclusive teaching steal the attention of many education observers. This study aims to determine the perception of teachers in Indonesia (elementary school teachers, junior high school teachers and senior high school teachers) on the importance of inclusive teaching in learning. This research is a survey study conducted on teachers in Indonesia, with random sampling. The sample number of teachers who were respondents was 46 teachers. To obtain data, researchers used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale with five scales and yes or no questions. As additional data, researchers conducted interviews conducted on several samples of teachers. The data obtained is then analyzed quantitatively and poured into tables and graphs. From the results of the analysis, it is known that teachers attach great importance to inclusive teaching. 82.61% teachers argue that inclusive teaching is a good idea. However, in reality, the application of inclusive teaching has not been optimal. One of the obstacles in optimizing the application of inclusive teaching is the selection of appropriate learning strategies in inclusion classes. This is what needs to be explored in order to find appropriate learning strategies for inclusion classes.</em></p>Dyah Aniza Kismiati
Copyright (c) 2025 Dyah Aniza Kismiati
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>T</em><em>he purpose of this research is to demonstrate the mathematical representation abilities between students who participate in learning using a mathmagic-based problem-based learning model and the mathematical representation abilities of students who use the conventional lecture method. The research subjects involved 36 students from SMP Negeri 4 Sungai Raya, consisting of class VII B as the control class and class VII F as the experimental class. The research method used is quantitative, with instruments in the form of short answer questions packaged in a math magic format. The data was analyzed using normality tests, homogeneity tests, and hypothesis testing through independent sample t-Test and Pearson Product Moment correlation tests. The results of the study indicate that the problem-based learning model based on mathmagic is more effective in enhancing mathematical representation skills compared to the conventional lecture method, with a significance value of 0.035 indicating a difference in average ability between the two classes. In addition, the results of the Pearson correlation test showed an r value of 0.228, indicating a positive relationship between students' mathematical representation skills and their responses, where students with higher representation skills tend to provide positive responses.</em></p>Sintya MasliyaniAhmad Yani TDede Suratman
Copyright (c) 2025 Sintya Masliyani, Ahmad Yani T, Dede Suratman
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Misconceptions in solving story problems involving the System of Linear Equations of Two Variables (SPLDV) are often a challenge for students. This research aims to identify the types of misconceptions experienced by students of grade VIII of Kasih Yobel Junior High School in Singkawang in solving SPLDV story problems, which are studied from the perspective of numeracy literacy. This research used descriptive qualitative method involving six students as research subjects. Data were collected through diagnostic tests and interviews to identify misconceptions based on numeracy literacy components: understanding, use, interpretation, and communication. The results showed that students experienced several types of misconceptions, especially in the translation of story problems into mathematical form, the use of strategies/methods, and calculations. The misconceptions were caused by students' lack of understanding of the basic concepts of SPLDV and inability to apply mathematical symbols and operations correctly. The discussion of the research results emphasizes the importance of learning approaches that strengthen students' numeracy literacy, especially in terms of understanding concepts and applying effective strategies. The conclusion of this study shows that improving numeracy literacy needs to be a priority in mathematics teaching to reduce misconceptions and improve students' ability to solve SPLDV story problems.</p>Anugerah KurniawatiZubaidah RHamdani
Copyright (c) 2025 Anugerah Kurniawati, Zubaidah R, Hamdani
2025-01-312025-01-319229230010.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6182Non-Linear Regression on the Number of Stunting Cases in Central Java in 2023
<p>Chronic nutritional problems, namely stunting, have a major impact on physical growth and development of children, especially in Central Java. Central Java Province is one of the regions with the highest number of stunting in Indonesia, reaching 20.7% in 2023. This study used data from the 2023 Central Java Health Profile. This study aims to analyze the relationship between factors that cause stunting, including access to proper sanitation, complete basic immunization, underweight, exclusive breastfeeding, maternal health services K4, maternal health services K6, completion of basic education, and Consumption of Blood Supplement Tablets to the number of stunting cases in Central Java. The analysis used the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) approaches with three distributions, namely Poisson, Gaussian, and Negative Binomial distributions. Negative Binomial Model. The Negative Binomial distribution proved to be the best model in analyzing stunting data in Central Java based on the smallest values in AIC, BIC, dan DIC. Based on the analysis results obtained, the percentage of underweight in toddlers shows a significant influence on the number of stunting cases in Central Java.</p>Syasya Qonita Azizah
Copyright (c) 2025 Syasya Qonita Azizah
2025-01-312025-01-319230131610.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6469The Effectiveness of Using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based Students’ Worksheet to Improve Students' Mathematical Problem-solving Skills
<p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based Students’ Worksheets (LKPD) to improve students' mathematical problem-solving skills. This type of research is experimental research with pretest posttest control group design. The samples in this study were class X-E2 as the experimental class with 36 students and class X-E3 as the control class with 36 students. Data collection techniques using interviews, observations, and pretest and posttest assessments of students' problem-solving skills on statistics material. The hypothesis of this study is that the use of RME-based LKPD is more effective in improving students' problem-solving skills than learning without using RME-based LKPD. The results obtained from this study are the use of RME-based LKPD which contains indicators of problem-solving skills proven effective to improve students' problem-solving skills. This conclusion is obtained based on the results of statistical tests, namely the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test where the test results from the experimental class and control class have sig. 2 tailed < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U Test which has sig. 2 tailed <0.05, and the mean difference test which shows an increase in the experimental class of 28.05 and in the control class of 11.39 which shows that learning using RME-based LKPD is more effective in improving students' problem-solving skills than learning without using RME-based LKPD.</p>Anggita ManggarraniNafida Hetty Marhaeni
Copyright (c) 2025 Anggita Manggarrani, Nafida Hetty Marhaeni
2025-01-312025-01-319231632510.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.5973Measuring the Immeasurable: Calculating the Volume of Noah's Ark Using Integrals Can Reveal the Clarity and Sufficiency of the Bible.
<p>Mathematics is known as a science that always uses concepts and calculations. Under the pretext that mathematics is just calculations, of course, there is a possibility that there will be a response about mathematics that has nothing to do with the story in the Bible. In fact, based on previous research, it has been stated that one of the two qualities of the Bible is Clear and Sufficient. Considering these two properties, this study aims to prove that the Calculation of the Volume of Noah's Ark using Integral can Reveal the Clarity and Adequacy of the Bible. The research method used is a descriptive research method based on biblical statements that are calculated using integrals. The final result of this study states that the Calculation of the Volume of Noah's Ark using Integral can indeed reveal the Clarity and Sufficiency of the Bible as a form of immeasurable measurement. The meaning is: 1) The clarity of the Bible regarding the Volume of Noah's Ark using Integral can be interpreted and understood with the help of the Holy Spirit. 2) The sufficiency of the Bible regarding the Volume of Noah's Ark using Integral can be interpreted and used as a guideline for every believer's life.</p> <p> </p>Ruth Ririn Vania SiregarSantri Chintia PurbaRisma Uly Manalu
Copyright (c) 2025 Ruth Ririn Vania Siregar
2025-01-312025-01-319232733210.33541/edumatsains.v9i2.6558Using Ant Colony Optimization to Solve a Vehicle Routing Problem: Waste Transportation Routes in Bengkulu City Case Study
<p>The waste problem is one of the serious problems faced by every city in Indonesia, including Bengkulu City. To overcome the problem of waste production which continues to increase every day, the government's role is needed in efforts to transport waste with various facilities and support from the surrounding community. One effort to solve the problem of waste piling up in Temporary Disposal Sites (TPS) is to schedule effective transportation to Final Disposal Sites (TPA). To do the scheduling, one possible approach is a mathematical approach. The purpose of this research is to build a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) model using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), and determine the solution of this model to determine the optimal solution to the problem of transporting waste from all TPS to TPA. This research involved 29 TPS in Bengkulu City. This model is solved using Python 2.7 programming language and PuLP modeller and CPLEX Solver. With 2000 iterations, solutions were found in a relatively short time, which is less than 10 minutes. There are 6 garbage transportation routes in Bengkulu City which are considered as a VRP problem by using ACO which can transport garbage and considering the capacity of garbage trucks. From this route, a total distance of 128 km is obtained.</p>Ramya RachmawatiSiska Yosmar
Copyright (c) 2025 Ramya Rachmawati, Siska Yosmar