Non-violence education is a progressive approach to educational transformation that deeply reveals the vulnerabilities, failures and practices of violence in multiracial coexistence. As an educator, a teacher must be cool and service-oriented to children at school. Because the teacher's social status should not be considered as the cause of educational development, because it is in their hands that the nation's children will be educated and educated to maturity. Therefore the government must seriously prepare reliable and professional teachers who also understand the character of students and are anti-violence. However, it should also be remembered that the role of parents in transforming their children into human beings who care about the environment, upholding human and ethical values is also very important. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, this method was chosen because it aims to determine how to find, collect, process, and analyze data from the results of the research. Anti-violence education is not only the responsibility of the government or educational institutions, but also the responsibility of all members of society. Collaboration and participation of various parties is the key in creating a safe and peaceful environment for all individuals. By prioritizing non-violence education, we can build a society that is more dignified, full of respect and appreciates differences. In this way, we can achieve our common goal of creating a more just and peaceful world for present and future generations.
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