DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA 2024-08-01T06:49:17+00:00 Dr. Masda Surti Simatupang, M.Hum. Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya&nbsp;</strong>is&nbsp;a journal with registered number p-ISSN: 2338-2635 and e-ISSN: 2798-1371 is a scientific journal published by the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, which covers the scope of language, literature, and culture. The aims of Dialektika is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts and ideas or research results that have been achieved in the area of linguistics, translation, literary appreciation and criticism, and cultural issues about language and literature. This Journal is published twice a year, in June and December.</p> THE TECHNIQUE AND TRANSLATION QUALITY OF FACE THREATENING ACTS (FTAS) IN ANNE OF GREEN GABLES 2024-06-28T11:31:12+00:00 Yurike Suhertian Poyungi Dessy Dwijayanti <p><strong>A</strong><strong>bst</strong><strong>ract</strong></p> <p>This study is a descriptive qualitative that aims to describe the types of Face threatening Acts (FTAs). Besides, this study also aims to analyze the translation techniques and the translation quality of a novel entitles Anne of Green Gables. It is found that 37 utterances which accommodates FTAs in the orientation structure of the novel and involves 4 types of FTAs, they are bald on record (18 data), off record (6 data), FTA using positive politeness (3 data), and FTA using negative politeness (10 data). The translation techniques used to translate the FTAs are established equivalence, linguistic amplification, discursive creation, addition, borrowing, reduction, and modulation. Established equivalence is the most dominant techniques. Therefore, the translation quality of FTAs in Anne of Green Gables is accurate, acceptable, and readable.</p> 2024-06-28T11:24:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA AN ANALYSIS OF HOLDEN'S PSYCHOLOGICAL ANXIETY IN THE NOVEL "THE CATCHER IN THE RYE" BY J.D. SALINGER 2024-07-01T04:34:09+00:00 Achmat Dony Septyan Wildan Fakhri Rosyadi Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana <p>Our research aims to analyze the psychological problems experienced by Holden Caulfield, namely anxiety symptoms as the main character in the novel "The Catcher in The Rye" by studying his behavior and relationships or interactions with other characters in the novel. Holden has habits that are unusual for ordinary people and has poor interactions with other characters in the story, which makes his mental condition worse. We use qualitative research methods by collecting, analyzing, and describing primary data from the novel "The Catcher in The Rye" by J.D. Salinger in 1951. Then we also took other data from online sources. The results of this research shown that Holden has anxiety disorders which are indicated by mental and physical symptoms and also he has interactions with other characters that influence his anxiety. Suggestions that researchers can give for further research are to include solutions in solving social anxiety problems experienced by teenagers. This is because in this journal, the author does not include a solution to this problem.</p> 2024-07-01T04:34:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA INSTRUMENTALITY OF A WOMEN IN DAMSEL MOVIE (2024) 2024-07-03T06:55:04+00:00 Yosep Liderman Panggabean Mike Wijaya Saragih <p>In the film <em>Damsel</em> (2024), directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, the traditional damsel in distress narrative is subverted by the character of Princess Elodie, who transforms from a passive pawn to an empowered individual. The film critiques societal structures that objectify women by exploring Elodie’s journey from being a tool in an arranged marriage and a sacrificial victim to confronting a dragon. This study aims to explore how the film portrays the instrumentalization of Elodie through qualitative descriptive methods, grounded in Nussbaum's theory of objectification, particularly the concept of instrumentality. As the result, the study identifies three forms of Elodie's instrumentalization: subjected to an arranged marriage, subjected to a life sacrifice, and subjected to a target for revenge. From these three forms of Elodie's instrumentalization, this film shows Elodie's gradual assertion of autonomy and rejection of the roles assigned to her, deconstructing conventional girl tropes and highlighting the broader implications of challenging patriarchal norms. The finding of the instrumentalization of Elodie in the film <em>Damsel</em> is shown to become more complex along with the resistance carried out to oppose the prevailing patriarchal norms.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-01T07:10:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA BAHASA SEBAGAI ANUGERAH TUHAN DAN IDENTITAS BANGSA 2024-07-03T09:31:21+00:00 Ramot Peter Masda Surti Simatupang <p>Bahasa memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia, baik sebagai alat berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan dan sesama maupun sebagai alat pemersatu bangsa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami konsep bahasa sebagai anugerah Tuhan dan peran bahasa dalam membentuk identitas suatu bangsa serta pandangan kebangsaan tentang bahasa sebagai alat pemersatu di tengah keberagaman. Masyarakat Indonesia terkenal dengan keberagaman yang merupakan anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang tak dapat terelakan. Salah satu keberagaman yang menjadi identitas bangsa yaitu bahasa. Peran bahasa sering terabaikan karena dianggap tidak berpengaruh langsung pada pembangunan di era moderen. Permasalahan tersebut tidak boleh dibiarkan karena bahasa sebagai alat pemersatu dan kekayaan yang dianugerahkan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa bagi bangsa Indonesia. Pembahasan dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode kajian studi pustaka membahas fenomena yang terjadi berdasarkan kajian-kajian ilmiah yang telah ada dengan cara membaca, mencatat, dan mengolah bahan-bahan penelitian yang telah dipublikasi sebelumnya baik berupa buku, artikel jurnal, maupun teks lainnya. Artikel ini menjelaskan keberagaman bahasa (bahasa-bahasa daerah) sebagai kekayaan yang dianugerahkan Tuhan kepada bangsa Indonesia, serta menjelaskan bahasa nasional (bahasa Indonesia) sebagai identitas bangsa Indonesia dan alat pemersatu di tengah keberagaman masyarakat dalam aspek etnik, suku dan budaya yang berbeda.</p> 2024-07-03T07:45:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA AN ANALYSIS OF METAPHOR TRANSLATION IN A NOVEL ENTITLED SITI NURBAYA BY MARAH RUSLI 2024-07-11T03:42:05+00:00 Sarah Siti Rahayu Jannes Freddy Pardede <p>Siti Nurbaya is one of the well-known works of Indonesian literature. This novel was written by Marah Rusli in 1922 and has been translated into various languages, one of which is translated into English. In literary works, especially old literary works, the use of figurative language is often found, one of which is metaphor. This research will discuss the translation of live and dead metaphors from the source language to the target language. Translating metaphor is one of the subs of literary translation. This research using qualitative method to analyze the novel and find &nbsp;the results of live and dead metaphor translation. The research of this live and dead metaphor using theory from Na’imah (2017). The results of this research is there are live and dead metaphors found in this novel. Even some of the translation is equivalent in meaning with &nbsp;the source language, but some are not equivalent. &nbsp;After analyzing the live and dead metaphors, researcher also analyze the metaphor translation strategies that used by translator to translate the metaphors from SL (Source Language) to TL (Target Language). The results of the translation strategies used by translator are based on Newmark's theory. This translator uses 4 of the 7 strategies proposed by Newmark. In this study the researcher also found metaphor translation strategies used by translator to translate metaphors from the source language to the target language. Based on the analysis using Newmark's theory, this translator uses 4 of the 7 strategies proposed by Newmark. They are &nbsp;reproducing, replacing the image, translating metaphors by simile, and translating metaphors by simile and senses.</p> 2024-07-11T03:42:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA THE USE OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE AND IMAGERY IN SONGS’ LYRICS 2024-07-11T03:44:36+00:00 Gunawan Tambunsaribu Bob Morison Sigalingging <p>In literary works, most authors express their feelings by using figurative language in their writing.&nbsp; The languages used in literary works usually represent the explicit and implicit feelings and thoughts of their characters. Someone may use figurative language to create unique and aesthetic communication. This study aims to find out the use of figurative language and imagery found in the two songs from Bruno Mars’ album entitled "Talking to the Moon” and “It Will Rain”. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. This research showed that figurative language and imagery found in Bruno Mars’ selected song lyrics represented the author’s feelings and expressions delivered indirectly. Based on research findings, the writer found some figurative language in Bruno Mars’ selected songs. The most figurative language used in the lyrics of Bruno Mars’ selected songs is “Hyperbole”. This is usually used to emphasize human expression. The writer used hyperbole to make the lyrics more interesting to the listeners. In conclusion, these two songs use many kinds of figurative language and imagery. In literature, a writer uses figurative language as a tool to express and emphasize the elements of feeling, emotion, and experiences of human beings. By using figurative language and imagery, the reader can understand and imagine the aim of the writer.</p> 2024-07-11T03:44:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA MANIFESTASI LAKU DALAM KAWRUH: TINJAUAN DESKRIPTIF PADA CERPEN “MEGURU” KARYA SENGKUNI 2024-07-12T07:37:42+00:00 Teguh Prasetyo <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Dalam budaya Jawa, dikenal berbagai macam konsep-konsep religi. Konsep-konsep tersebut mengarah kepada perilaku mistik. Perilaku-perilaku tersebut biasanya terwujud dalam <em>laku</em>. <em>Laku</em>, dalam konteks budaya Jawa atau manusia Indonesia, merupakan sebuah upaya mencapai suatu tujuan yaitu kesempurnaan. <em>Kawruh</em> merupakan salah satu bentuk perilaku mencari tahu dengan berguru pada orang lain atau buku. Dalam <em>kawruh</em> sebagai sebuah kegiatan mencari tahu/berguru, terdapat bentuk-bentuk tindakan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai <em>laku</em>. Cerpen berjudul “Meguru” karya Sengkuni memperlihatkan kelindan laku dan kawruh di dalam gambaran kehidupan masyarakat Jawa tradisional. Artikel ini akan membedah bentuk-bentuk <em>laku</em> yang merupakan manifestasi dari kawruh yang termuat dalam cerpen “Meguru” karya Sengkuni tersebut. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik pembacaan dekat. Untuk menelaah lebih jauh kelindan <em>laku</em> dan <em>kawruh</em> tersebut akan dirujuk konsep-konsep religi Jawa yang relevan. Dari pembacaan dekat ini, ditemukan bahwa <em>l</em><em>aku-laku</em> dalam cerpen “Meguru” ini diwujudkan dalam bentuk-bentuk seperti <em>lelana brata</em>, ritual dialog dengan guru, dan tindakan-tindakan asketis yang menjadi ciri keseharian tokoh yang merepresentasikan filosofi masyarakat Jawa tradisional.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: <strong>k</strong><strong>awruh, </strong><strong>l</strong><strong>aku, </strong><strong>k</strong><strong>anoman, </strong><strong>k</strong><strong>asepuhan<em>.</em> </strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>In Javanese culture, there are various religious concepts. These concepts lead to mystical behaviors. These behaviors are usually manifested in practices. <em>Laku</em>, in the context of Javanese culture or Indonesian humans, is an effort to achieve a goal of perfection. <em>Kawruh</em> is a form of behavior to find out by studying with other people or books. In <em>kawruh</em> as an activity of finding out/teaching, there are forms of action that can be categorized as practice. The short story "Meguru" by Sengkuni shows the intertwining of <em>laku</em> and <em>kawruh</em> in the life of traditional Javanese society. This article will dissect the forms of <em>laku</em> that are manifestations of <em>kawruh</em> contained in the short story "Meguru" by Sengkuni. This article uses qualitative methods and close reading techniques. To further examine the intertwining of <em>laku</em> and <em>kawruh</em>, relevant Javanese religious concepts will be referred to. From this close reading, it is found that the practices in the short story "Meguru" are manifested in forms such as <em>lelana brata</em>, ritual dialogue with the teacher, and <em>ascetic actions</em> that characterize the daily life of the characters who represent the philosophy of traditional Javanese society.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><strong><em>kawruh, laku, kanoman, kasepuhan</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-11T10:00:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA ANALISIS PENERJEMAHAN SEJARAH DAN BUDAYA DALAM BUKU PELAJARAN BAHASA DAN SASTRA BATAK TOBA 2024-07-17T04:04:11+00:00 Riris Mutiara Simamora Sonya Ayu Kumala <p>Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penerjemahan istilah-istilah sejarah dan budaya yang ditemukan pada buku pelajaran. Buku-buku pelajaran, khususnya buku muatan lokal dirancang untuk memberikan informasi terkait bahasa dan daerah setempat. Sehingga, buku-buku ini tidak hanya berfokus pada satu keahlian saja, namun terdapat topik-topik seperti budaya, sosial, politik dan lain-lain. Penelitian ini berfokus buku pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Batak Toba. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis istilah-istilah sejarah dan budaya yang ditemukan dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Batak Toba dan mendeskripsikan pilihan-pilihan kata yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan istilah-istilah sejarah dan budaya yang ditemukan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dengan menggunakan data primer yaitu dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan mengkaji dokumen, wawancara narasumber dan penelusuran pustaka terkait. Data yang digunakan adalah tujuh cerita berbahasa batak yang terdapat dalam buku muatan lokal Pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Batak Toba 3 edisi 1 tahun 2011. Tujuh cerita tersebut diterjemahkan dari bahasa Batak Toba ke Bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan kamus bahasa batak, penelusuran pustaka dan narasumber. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori konsep penerjemahan budaya oleh Newmark (1988) dan strategi penerjemahan oleh Baker (1992). Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa kategori organisasi,adat istiadat, aktivitas sebagai kategori yang paling dominan muncul sebanyak 23 ungkapan, lalu, kategori budaya sosial sebanyak 9 ungkapan, kategori ekologi sebanyak 7 ungkapan, dan Kategori budaya material sebanyak 6 ungkapan. Strategi yang paling banyak digunakan adalah parafrase, padanan istilah yang lebih umum, tambahan informasi dan mempertahankan istilah.</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci:</em></strong><em> Sejarah, Budaya, Penerjemahan, Bahasa Daerah, Batak Toba</em></p> 2024-07-17T03:51:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA KONSEP DOXA DALAM BUDAYA BALI DAN MAKASSAR: KOMPARASI TEKS GEGURITAN JAYAPRANA DAN SINRILIK I DATUK MUSENG 2024-07-24T06:36:41+00:00 Rahmatia Ayu Widyaningrum <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Tulisan ini mengungkapkan konsep <em>doxa</em> yang terdapat di dalam teks <em>Geguritan Jayaprana </em>dan<em> Sinrilik I Datu Museng. </em>Keduanya adalah teks yang berkisah tentang lingkungan istana yang memiliki legitimasi membangun konstruksi budaya. Geguritan yang berbentuk puisi dibacakan dengan cara ditembangkan, begitu pula dengan Sinrilik yang disampaikan melalui nyanyian atau deklamasi dengan iringan musik tradisional. Keduanya berasal dari dua budaya berbeda, yaitu Bali dan Makassar. Namun, kedua karya sastra ini menggambarkan konsep <em>doxa</em> yang dianggap sebagai sebuah kebenaran tanpa perlu diperdebatkan. Terdapat perbedaan wacana dalam konsep <em>doxa</em> keduanya. Dalam <em>Geguritan Jayaprana</em>, konsep <em>doxa</em> yang dipakai adalah wacana <em>orthodoxy</em> atas tunduknya Jayaprana terhadap titah raja dan <em>pati wrata</em> (bunuh diri) yang dilakukan oleh Ni Layonsari sebagai bentuk kesetiaan istri kepada suaminya. Berbeda halnya dengan kisah dalam <em>Sinrilik I Datu Museng</em>, konsep <em>doxa</em> yang terlihat adalah wacana <em>heterodoxy</em> dengan berusaha melawan nilai-nilai yang berlaku yang diberikan oleh kelompok dominan (penjajah). Budaya <em>siri’</em> untuk membela harga diri adalah hal yang wajib dilakukan dalam tradisi Bugis dan Makassar, &nbsp;seperti halnya semangat puputan yang terjadi di Bali.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: Doxa, Geguritan, Sinrilik, Bali, Makassar.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This article elaborates on the concept of doxa as portrayed in the texts <em>Geguritan Jayaprana</em> and <em>Sinrilik I Datu Museng</em>, originating from revered royal settings and carrying significant cultural weight. Geguritan is presented in poetic form, and recited through singing, while Sinrilik is conveyed through singing or declamation with traditional musical accompaniment. Despite their distinct cultural origins in Bali and Makassar, both texts exemplify doxa as an accepted truth that transcends debate. It is important to note the disparities in the discourse surrounding the concept of doxa within both texts. In <em>Geguritan Jayaprana</em>, the concept of doxa highlights the discourse of orthodoxy, emphasizing Jayaprana's adherence to the king's command and Ni Layonsari's <em>pati wrata</em> (suicide) as an expression of spousal loyalty. Conversely, in <em>Sinrilik I Datu Museng</em>, the concept of doxa is rooted in the discourse of heterodoxy, depicting resistance against the prevailing values of the dominant colonizers. The cultural practice of siri', aimed at defending one's honor, is an obligatory facet of Bugis and Makassar traditions, akin to the puputan spirit in Bali.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Doksa, Geguritan, Sinrilik, Bali, Makassar,&nbsp; </strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This article elaborates on the concept of doxa as portrayed in the texts <em>Geguritan Jayaprana</em> and <em>Sinrilik I Datu Museng</em>, originating from revered royal settings and carrying significant cultural weight. Geguritan is presented in poetic form, and recited through singing, while Sinrilik is conveyed through singing or declamation with traditional musical accompaniment. Despite their distinct cultural origins in Bali and Makassar, both texts exemplify doxa as an accepted truth that transcends debate. The concept of doxa is investigated within the framework of genetic structuralism theory, also known as Pierre Felix Bourdieu's constructivist structuralism. It is important to note the disparities in the discourse surrounding the concept of doxa within both texts. In <em>Geguritan Jayaprana</em>, the concept of doxa highlights the discourse of orthodoxy, emphasizing Jayaprana's adherence to the king's command and Ni Layonsari's <em>pati wrata</em> (suicide) as an expression of spousal loyalty. Conversely, in <em>Sinrilik I Datu Museng</em>, the concept of doxa is rooted in the discourse of heterodoxy, depicting resistance against the prevailing values of the dominant colonizers. The cultural practice of siri', aimed at defending one's honor, is an obligatory facet of Bugis and Makassar traditions, akin to the puputan spirit in Bali.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Doksa, Geguritan, Sinrilik, Bali, Makassar,&nbsp; </strong></p> 2024-07-23T06:43:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA ANALYSIS TYPES OF DEIXIS IN THE SPEECH TAYLOR SWIFT AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 2022 2024-08-01T06:49:17+00:00 Velin Jusbina Manalu Lisbeth Juliana Sirait <p>This research aims to analyze the types of deixis in Taylor Swift's speech at New York University in 2022. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research highlights the use of deixis in the context of public speeches and how deixis plays a role in interpreting contextual meaning in conversation. Through deictic analysis based on Levinson's theory of deixis, this research identifies personal, place, time, social and discursive deixis in the speech. Data was obtained from the transcript of Taylor Swift's speech and analyzed to understand the contextual meaning conveyed. The research results show that deixis plays an important role in conveying rich meaning in discourse. By using secondary data and simple random sampling techniques, this research succeeded in identifying 30 deixis in the speech. The implications of this research are to provide a deeper understanding of the use of deixis in the context of public speech and provide a basis for further research in the field of pragmatics.</p> 2024-07-29T09:13:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 DIALEKTIKA: JURNAL BAHASA, SASTRA DAN BUDAYA