Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan - CENTECH 2024-05-06T05:41:03+00:00 Pinondang Simanjuntak Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan </strong>bertujuan untuk menerbitkan hasil penelitian dosen-dosen dan para alumni Prodi Teknik Sipil FT UKI serta para praktisi dan peneliti di luar UKI.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan </strong>pertama kali diterbitkan pada bulan April 2020 melalui penerbit UKI Press dengan nama <strong>Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan</strong>. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Sipil UKI yang dimaksudkan untuk mempublikasikan karya-karya penelitian dosen, alumni, dan praktisi serta peneliti di luar UKI. Jurnal ini memuat artikel-artikel penelitian yang berfokus pada bidang Manajemen Konstruksi, Geoteknik, Rekayasa Struktur, Rekayasa Transportasi, Manajemen Sumber Daya Air serta Rekayasa Lingkungan.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan </strong>diterbitkan secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan bulan Oktober, dimana terbitan perdana adalah pada bulan April 2020. Untuk peningkatan kualitas jurnal maka Prodi Teknik Sipil UKI menerbitkan jurnal ini secara online.</p> <p>Berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi <strong>Nomor 230/E/KPT/2022</strong>&nbsp; Tentang&nbsp; Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode IV Tahun 2022 <strong>Jurnal Rekayasa Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Memperoleh Akreditasi Sinta 5</strong></p> SISTEM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH SECARA TERPADU DENGAN PRINSIP PENILAIAN GREEN BUILDING DI JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL STADIUM 2024-04-30T10:16:13+00:00 Pawitra Sari Retno Fitri Astuti Desta Promesetiyo Bomo <p>Di Indonesia, selain sampah rumah tangga, sampah terbesar juga dihasilkan dari fasilitas publik, seperti stadion. Dasar mengangkat studi kasus Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) adalah bangunan berkapasitas terbesar di Indonesia mencapai 82.000 penonton sepak bola, memiliki Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (TPS) sementara secara terpadu dengan prinsip 3R, dan telah memperoleh sertifikasi <em>green building</em> dengan peringkat platinum pada tahap <em>design recognition</em>. Dengan prinsip penilaian <em>green building</em>, ada empat kriteria dan tolok ukur memiliki keterkaitan dengan sistem pengelolaan sampah di JIS adalah site/tapak, material dan teknologi, interior bangunan, dan manajemen lingkungan yang dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Permasalahan sampah memerlukan penanganan khusus sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan wawasan tentang sistem pengelolaan sampah pada bangunan yang memiliki kapasitas besar khususnya di stadion yang masih belum banyak dilakukan. Sistem pengelolaan sampah di JIS, meliputi pewadahan, pengumpulan, dan pengangkutan secara terpadu dan memenuhi regulasi. Ada empat tipe pewadahan, pengumpulan di <em>pick up point</em> dengan jalur akses bukan area publik atau VIP, dan pengangkutannya dengan <em>trash bag</em> menggunakan <em>lift</em> atau tangga yang pada akhirnya sampah dari semua lantai berkumpul di <em>parking level</em> kemudian diangkut dengan motor sampah menuju TPS 3R yang ada di JIS. Total empat poin yang diperoleh dengan prinsip penilaian <em>green building</em>, yaitu pemilihan tapak; kendali asap rokok di lingkungan; dasar pengelolaan sampah; dan pengelolaan sampah tingkat lanjut. Partisipasi penonton sepak bola dalam keterkaitannya dengan sampah harus dipadukan dengan pola pikir dan perilaku bagaimana memperlakukan sampah dengan prinsip 3R.</p> 2024-04-30T10:15:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pawitra Sari, Retno Fitri Astuti, Desta Promesetiyo Bomo ANALISIS PENGHAMBAT PENERAPAN BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) PADA KONTRAKTOR DI KOTA DENPASAR 2024-04-30T10:40:00+00:00 Nodya Dharmastika Putu Gede Suranata Ida Ayu Cri Vinantya Laksmi <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Technological developments in the construction industry have led to digitalization. One of them is the construction industry starting to implement Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is a system for managing information into building models in digital form. BIM processes input into information in the form of building modeling as an aid in the decision-making process at each stage of a construction project. In its application, BIM is still not optimal and has many obstacles. Of the 68 contractors in the city of Denpasar, only 3 contractors have used BIM in implementing their construction projects. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a study to find out the factors that hinder the implementation of BIM among contractors in the city of Denpasar. The data collection method was carried out using a closed questionnaire which was distributed to 68 contractors in the city of Denpasar. The collected data was analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) factor analysis. The analysis carried out produced 3 factors that hindered the implementation of BIM in the city of Denpasar. These 3 factors include: difficulty in starting to implement BIM, high costs in implementing BIM, BIM is not a target for contractors. The third factor, namely that BIM is not the contractor's target, is the most dominant factor with the highest mean data value of 3.907.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>Building Information Modeling (BIM); Obstacle Factor; Contractor; Factor Analysis</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-04-30T10:17:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nodya Dharmastika, Putu Gede Suranata, Ida Ayu Cri Vinantya Laksmi PENENTUAN METODE ANALISIS DATA CURAH HUJAN YANG HILANG DI SUB - DAS MELAWI 2024-05-06T05:41:03+00:00 Syarif Muhammad Ferdyansyah Stefanus Barlian Soeryamassoeka Eko Yulianto <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>In hydrological analysis, rainfall intensity data has a very important role and accurate rainfall intensity data input is needed both temporally and spatially. The constraints experienced in Melawi Sub-watershed is the lack of availability of rainfall observation stations which resulted in the lack of rainfall data and loss of data at certain stations and periods. The results of this study are an analysis of 8 (eight) rainfall observation stations in Melawi Sub-watershed, namely STG-01 Sintang, STG-16 Kota Baru, STG-03 Nanga Pinoh, Stasiun BMKG Nanga Pinoh, Stasiun BMKG Susilo, STG-12 Batu Buil, STG-02 Nanga Sepauk, STG-08 Serawai. An alternative that can be used is to fill in missing rainfall data using 5 (five) methods, namely:&nbsp; normal ratio method, reciprocal method, random number method, and Markov chain stochastic analysis method and another alternative is to test the filling method using the rainfall data correction equation from the validated Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite, namely: <strong>Y = 0.373X + 20.182</strong> where Y is synthetic data and X is historical data. Furthermore, from each method, error testing is carried out to get the percentage error of the synthetic data results obtained. The results show that of the five methods above, the average error of the correction equation method <strong>Y = 0.373X + 20.182</strong> is 31,96%, which is the smallest percentage value compared to the Markov chain stochastic analysis method 57,86%; Normal Ratio method 62,87%; Random Number method 74,40%; Reciprocal method 83,77%. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em> : Equation of Correction; Error Percentage; Filling Method; Rainfall</em></p> 2024-04-30T10:19:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syarif Muhammad Ferdyansyah, Stefanus Barlian Soeryamassoeka, Eko Yulianto PEMETAAN KAWASAN RAWAN BANJIR KABUPATEN LANDAK 2024-04-30T10:43:36+00:00 Irfan Fikriansyah Stefanus Barlian Soeryamassoeka Azwa Nirmala <p><em>Flooding is a global natural disaster that occurs frequently, including in the Landak Regency. From several studies that have been conducted in the Landak Regency area, it is known that there has been an increase in the frequency of flooding in the period 1998-2021, and flooding that occurs not only in urban areas but also in rural areas which are upstream of the Landak Sub-watershed. For this reason, information on flood-prone areas in Landak Regency is needed through geospatial maps to minimize flooding in the area. This research aims to map flood-prone areas and determine the classification of flood-prone levels in the Landak Regency.</em></p> <p><em>In this research, the data used are (a) data from observation and documentation in the field during floods, (b) data from Focus Group Discussion</em> <em>(FGD) conducted at the hall of the Landak Regency Public Works Office, which discussed flood control strategies in the Landak Subwatershed, (c) data on land slope, land elevation, soil type, land cover, rainfall, river buffer, inundation duration, and inundation height. Then, an overlay of the eight parameters was done, a zoning map of flood-prone areas was made, and the level of the flood-prone regions in Landak Regency was determined.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the analysis, the Landak Regency's areas of shallow, low, and moderate vulnerability to flooding are, respectively, 62,819.28 ha (7.58%), 184,504.24 ha (22.28%), 187,524.53 ha (22.64%), high, and very high (19.98%) levels of vulnerability to flooding. Landak Regency's Ngabang Sub-district (53,787.37 ha), Sebangki Sub-district (50,405.59 ha), and Mandor Sub-district (33,800.63 ha), which comprise Sebangki Village, Sungai Segah, Rantau Panjang, Kumpang Tengah, Sumsum, Sekilap, Keramas, Manggang, Amboyo Selatan, and Temiang Sawi, are among the areas with extremely high flood vulnerability.</em></p> 2024-04-30T10:20:45+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Irfan Fikriansyah, Stefanus Barlian Soeryamassoeka, Azwa Nirmala OPTIMALISASI PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DI TPA TAMBAKRIGADUNG KECAMATAN TIKUNG KABUPATEN LAMONGAN 2024-04-30T10:42:13+00:00 Shinfi Wazna Auvaria Nisaul Fitrotul Jannah Amrullah <p><em>The increase in population affects the production of waste produced. However, in the last 4 years, waste management at the Tambakrigadung landfill has not manage well. This research aims to analyze the generation, composition of waste, analysis and evaluation of waste management in landfills based on PU Ministerial Decree NO. 03 of 2013, as well as optimizing waste management at Tambakrigadung landfill. Based on research results, the average amount of waste generated at Tambakrigadung landfill is 21,510 kg/day, the average density is 263.82 kg/m3, the largest waste composition is organic waste with a percentage of 65% of all types of waste. From the results of this analysis, optimizing the landfill requires increasing the land area in certain buildings, such as operational roads measuring 1 meter, adding a sorting building by building a TPST in the landfill, and recording the transportation of waste trucks, the source of the waste and the weight of the waste. Optimalization in Non-technical aspects, landfill requires an SOP for how to work and an SOP for using tools.</em></p> 2024-04-30T10:25:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shinfi Wazna Auvaria, Nisaul Fitrotul Jannah, Amrullah ANALISIS PERSEDIAAN MATERIAL DENGAN METODE MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR PROYEK RSUD SIDOARJO 2024-04-30T10:45:41+00:00 Alifia Budi Witjaksana <p><em>In the world of construction, materials play an important role in the running of a project. Material is one of the main raw materials that greatly affects the amount of project costs. Material inventory affects the progress of work and planned costs. The problem of shortage and excess stock of materials is related to material inventory management. Therefore, material inventory planning is something that must be considered. This study aims to analyze and calculate the total cost of material inventory efficiently and minimally in the Construction of the Integrated Central Building of RSUD Sidoarjo Regency. The material inventory method used is Material Requirement Planning (MRP) with three approach techniques, namely Lot For Lot (LFL), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Period Order Quantity (POQ). The results of this study obtained lot sizing techniques with efficient MRP methods and minimum total material inventory using the Period Order Quantity (POQ) technique except for D10 Iron and D19 Iron using Lot For Lot (LFL) techniques. The costs incurred in the material inventory of each type of 4th-floor structure material are Multiplex Material t = 9 mm melamine Rp. 133,601,679, Iron Concrete D10 Rp. 212,685,500, Iron concrete D13 Rp. 171,485,930, Iron concrete D16 Rp. 56,760,803, Iron concrete D22 Rp. 155,031,888, and Concrete ready mix fc '= 25 Mpa Rp. 292,512,673. By using the right lot-sizing technique, it is expected to solve the problem of lack or excess material</em></p> 2024-04-30T10:26:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alifia Alifia, Budi Witjaksana ANALISIS VOLUME LALU LINTAS JALAN RAYA MASTRIP SURABAYA—JALAN RAYA BAMBE KABUPATEN GRESIK 2024-05-06T05:37:50+00:00 Aditya Pratama Hanie Teki Tjendani <p><em>Mastrip Highway – Bambe Highway, Gresik Regency is included in the UD 2/2 road type where the two lanes are not limited by the road median so that each lane direction is close to each other which has a length of 2.8 km with a lane width of 4 meters and the number of lanes is 2 lanes, with the width of the right and left side shoulders is 0.8 meters. Referring to the density of traffic flow, side obstacles and degrees of saturation on the Mastrip Highway - Bambe Highway section of Gresik Regency, it is necessary to analyze the performance of road and traffic sections using manual count on this road section. The use of the method in this study is quantitatively with the approach of the 2023 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI). Data acquisition comes from primary data and secondary data. Primary Data is data from traffic surveys that have been conducted in the field on the Mastrip Surabaya - Bambe Highway, Gresik Regency. The results of the analysis show that the peak hours of traffic flow volume occur on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 16.00 – 17.00 with a total of 1,800.2 skr / hour. </em></p> 2024-04-30T10:28:12+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Pratama ESTIMASI BIAYA PEMBANGUNAN MODULAR KONTAINER SEBAGAI BANGUNAN SHELTER DI KABUPATEN BANYUWANGI 2024-04-30T10:38:11+00:00 Esti Putri Rahmatin I Ketut Hendra Wiryasuta Rahayu Pradita <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>Banyuwangi Regency is one of the areas prone to natural disasters. According to data from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Banyuwangi Regency, the disasters that occurred in 2022 resulted in significant damage to infrastructure and forced residents to evacuate. In response to these events, BPBD took several measures, including setting up communal kitchens and planning temporary shelters. Providing safe, durable, and easily transportable shelters is an initial step in disaster mitigation, considering the unpredictable timing and impact of disasters. Modular container units are easily transportable and modifiable, making them suitable for use as shelter buildings. However, in Banyuwangi Regency, there has been no prior use of used containers for evacuation purposes, necessitating a cost estimation. Therefore, this research aims to determine the estimated cost required for the construction of modular container shelters in Banyuwangi Regency. The use of used containers serves as an alternative solution for constructing shelters that are more effective, efficient, and sustainable, despite requiring some improvements. The methodology employed in this research involves interviews with container contractors and AHSP to estimate costs. The results of this study provide an estimated cost for the construction of container shelters. The total estimated cost for constructing modular container shelters within one evacuation area amounts to Rp2,696,817,000.00. The cost breakdown for each task is as follows: construction of container shelter work costs Rp2,377,973,350.58, container shelter transportation costs Rp288,288,000.00, preparation work costs Rp9,612,548.22, and dismantling and installation work costs Rp20,943,200.00.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>Cost, Estimation, Modular container, Shelter</em></p> 2024-04-30T10:30:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Esti Putri Rahmatin, I Ketut Hendra Wiryasuta, Rahayu Pradita